Chapter 1 because yall have probably been waiting

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(shrekko's pov)
New day, another fuckin morning.
I get my arse out of bed and go to the mud bath outside, because thats what fat ogres like ✨me✨ do daily.
When i manage to move, i broke my spine in the process, i get there and s i t.
But then something happened that i will never forget

"H O L Y F U C K A B E E"
'H O L Y F U C K A F A T O G R E'
"H O L Y F U C K A T A L K I N G B E E"
*insert screaming for 10 hours*

"Alright get oUt im trying to have a bAtH mAiT"
'well sO aM i bUt i AiNt oRdErInG yOu tO dO sHiT'
"Oh ok then"
'So we cool?'
'Cool cool, whats your name?'
"Shre k"
'Nice im Barry B Benson'

*Shrek's mindd* does he likes jazz?
'I like jazz'
*shreko mindo* knew it
"So want be friend you fat ugly bee?"
'Sure thing you crusty, musty, dusty disgusting,fat, cleetus lookin ass ogre'

^End of chapter one, i know my writing is ass but i had nothing else to do. So i thought that i will actually do something with this.
Since ive released this chapter i will probably be online more updating this, thats not fully speaking the truth but its a possibility.
Thanks for waiting for this shit lol 👁👄👁💅^

Shrek x Barry B Benson (2020 ver)Where stories live. Discover now