👄Chapter 3👄

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(Shrook's POV)

Me and Barry went back to my lump ass house and talked a bit more about stuff like: what do you like, whens your birthday,ass, etc
All of that

When suddenly Fiona comes home and sees me with Barry Barry and think im cheating on her because she a sensitive biaatchh and thus forces me to sign divorce papers. Then she, without anything else after my pen left the paper, kicked down the door, which was already open so im making her pay for a new one >:(, and left

Then, because the reason we got together was because we both sensitive bitchess, i cryed

Barry tried to stop me but it didnt work

My George from peppa pig esqe crieing lasted for 4 days

*Holy fawk my chapters are getting worse and worse-
although if you look at what my friends are going through it's understandable-
Anyways im hoping to keep updating this book to try and distract myself from every that's happening so quickly it damags me to try catch up with it
Have a nice day/night you loved bean!!*

Shrek x Barry B Benson (2020 ver)Where stories live. Discover now