Prussian Dissolution Oneshot - Iridescent [Linkin Park]

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Germany stood, face tilted into the rain as he stood in the middle of the carnage that was once Berlin. He took a deep breath, shoulders shaking as he looked at his hands, scarred and bloodied from the war. He had... lost. It was a foreign thought, but he couldn't keep it from creeping from the dark corners of his mind.

He'd lost his war, his dignity, his honor, and soon his country. He couldn't think of anything else they could possibly take from him. He felt... cold. There was nothing.

"It's time." He turned at the sound of Americas' voice, the American flanked by his Allies. Germany was grim as he nodded, taking the first step towards the impending dissolusion, determined to put on a brave face.

"Stop! Wait!" They both looked over as Prussia scrabbled out of the rubble, the immature, obnoxious country taking a stance in front of his little brother, face set with a darker look than Germany had seen in years.

"I'll take his punishment. Don't kill my little brother." America glanced at his Allies, who shrugged. Russia smiled innocently.

"How do you say, dibs on his land?" Germany growled, trying to push past Prussia, insulted at the blatant disrespect to his brothers' honor, Prussia violently elbowing his little brother, Germany's already weakened frame dropping to his knees, baby blue eyes watching helplessly as Prussia stepped forward, posture military perfect as he accepted the price for his brother's life, having done what was nescassary for his loved ones' safety.

"You promise me, America. Don't let them kill him." America nodded, the nod of respect for a man facing his own death with a straight face. "I promise, Prussia." The albino nodded, throwing a look over his shoulder at his brother as Germany got to his feet, eyes wide with terror.

"I said I'd take care of you, West. Be good for me." Germany watched in horror, tears flowing freely as the man that had raised him gave his life freely, not in the heat of the moment, not a mistake, but something he had been prepared for from the moment they met.

"From this day forth, I declare the dissolusion of the Koingreich Prueßen. I revert my lands to Germany formally..." Germany screamed as Prussia fell to his knees,  violently coughing up blood, the color stark against his pale skin as Germany scrambled forward, falling to his knees and gathering the older brother into his arms desprately, horrified tears hitting the Germanic's white skin, the Prussian smiling weakly.

"Make me proud, West... Brother." Germany shook his head, voice cracking as he sobbed, vioce filled with raw emotion.

"No, no, you can't die! I need you! Please, Bruder, stay with me! I'll give you the land, anything--" Prussia lifted a weak finger to his brothers' lips, shaking his head weakly.

"Nein, kleiner bruder. It was you or me, and I won't let it be you. Be strong for me. Be better. Suum cuique. Loosen up.... M... Make me proud." Germany gasped in horror as the pale finger pressed to his lips started dissolving into white light, carried away by an invisible breeze as Prussia wheezed, red eyes still burning into his little brother's as Germany sobbed.

"Auf weidersein, bruder. You were always more awesome than me... Ich leibe..." He was cut off as his face started fading away like his hand, ruby eyes still burning as they disappeared, Germany left sitting alone, arms empty as he sobbed, baby blue eyes wide as he wrapped his arms around himself, a wail of loss tearing from the German's throat as he realized exactly what they could take from him, what they had stolen.

The other half of him... torn from his side....

"No! It can't end like this, bruder! You said you'd be here with me forever!" He screamed his pain to the empty air where his closest friend in the whole world had been as America stepped forward, kneeling and putting a hand on his shoulder, compassion in the loud nations' eyes as he put a hand under Germany's chin, saddened at the insecure child there, so different than the monster that had been there a mere ten minutes ago, the man he'd known replaced with the child that had grown up with his big brother, the only sure thing in his whole life.

America could sympathize with that. The loss of someone you held so dear to you... He gave Germany a blink, considering their actions.

The one thing that he loved, they had ripped from him, taking the one thing he never thought he'd lose and leaving him alone in a world of darkness, where your neighbor was the monster under the bed. Germany sniffled as America gave him a small smile, brushing away the mans' childlike tears.

"Don't worry, bro. You'll see him again, one day. I'm sure of it."

After all,  his invisible brother had a small, safe place... New Prussia.

Holy crap... I cried from the second paragraph on. Crying is so damn gross. ;A; Why do I insist on writing things that make me cry? I decided to put a tone of hope at the end, because I can't be so very cruel, even to innocent readers. Comments on my first oneshot? Thoughts? Votes and comments are love, people, tell your friends! *pathetic begging*

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