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When Analia reached home she found her mother threatened with a message from Rex with the Man drake

When Analia rode the message it had three pictures one of Howard,Cann and Alan

Analia was shocked to see two people she knew belonged to their enemies infact they just don't belong they are obviously Rex's sons

Analia couldn't control her emotions she was devastated remembering all the beneficence,the benign Cann showed her.She thought she was a berkb to believe and fall inlove with their ememies son

She came to the crux that she had already fallen inlove with him.Analia took a bergamot and applied on her mother's feet.

Her mother fell asleep.She asked for lia but she was no where to be found.She asked Yelitzah to take care of things while she go look for Lia"Yes my queen as you say"yelitzah said.Yelitzah respected Analia even when she was not yet a queen

Analia took off back in the woods sge kept on remembering the promises Cann made she couldn't believe it was all a lie.It was screamingly obvious what she was going to do

Analia used her powers to find lia and that when she knew she was at the known forest called Lukana,Lia was with a young man who was raised by wolves and had many rellies but he was the only true heir and son of Jackson Paul his father died when he was ten years old he belonged to the Forlorn History but his father was cursed and that sent him out

Analia removed her sword ready for a fight,"Wait,wait he mean no ill will,Analia he is Corey son of Jackson Paul he was the closest friend of father's "Lia said

Analia asked alot of probing questions "You don't have to worry he is there in the Forlorn History"said Lia

Analia was satisfied by the claims."Anyway Lia you have to return back home mother needs you she ain't feeling well.The forbidden territory is the only place you can both be safe"said Analia

"I will come with you"corey said
"Make sure she gets home safe and i hope you won't be a varmint"said Analia

"But where are you going?,let's go home together"said Lia

"No,i need to take care of things"analia replied.Analia ride horseback.

She went to the place where she met Cann every night before he slept.She decided to wait,she waited and waited and finally the time reached.Cann appeared "I didn't know you will be early today"cann said and smiled." By the way am happy to see you"cann said

Analia scowl at Cann silently she stood up"Who is your father?"analia asked

Cann was shocked"Analia what's wrong my love?"he said

"Don't you dare call me that again and stop prevaricating and come to the point i asked you a question Cann who the hell is your father?he is Rex right"said Analia

"I can't believe this you lied to me,you used me for once i thought you truly loved i though you had strong feelings for me but all you did was a lie Cann it was a lie"said Analia having tears on her eyes.

"Analia i love you"cann said doleful

"Don't say my name,you stood in the doorway,silhavetted against the light"analia said

"Analia am so sorry"cann said with signs of repentance

"You cannot repair the damage you caused to our relationship i bet there wasn't one you lied to me you used me into your selfish needs"analia said...."I have lost it what am i even saying you were raised by a person who has no sense of decency,i should have expected this if only i knew"analia said with no hopes

"You can be horrid and everything but please listen to me Analia,yes am not who you thought i was but nothing has changed am nothing like my father,am still the same Cann you love"cann said

"Quite,i don't love you,i never did nor will i and yes nothing changed you are still the same Cann the one who betrayed me"analia said

"Analia please you love me you said that cause your angry ,it is my mistake please don't punish yourself like this and don't punish me cause i can't find a way through to live without you"cann said and went down to Analia's feet.

Analia felt a stirring anger and horse back.Cann shouted Analia's name but nothing could change her mind

My lovely readers thank you for everything please don't forget to vote,comment and share i love y'll cause your love is strong😊😖❤

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