Prologue part 1/3: Bizarre Troubles

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Bold - Techniques/ voices





Stand Cries!

(April 15th 2098) (Location: Aldera Junior High)- Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V

Finally. Class has ended, just in time for the end of the day. I wanna hurry up and go home so I can write down in my notebook. I packed most of my stuff, and straightened my uniform. I looked at my notebook once more, and wandered through it's pages.

As I went to place it inside my school bag. It was suddenly snatched out of my hands in swift fell swoop. Kacchan...

Kacchan: "We're not done talking yet, Deku"

He held my notebook far away so I couldn't get at it. Two others kids followed behind him. Most likely his lackeys.

???: "Katsuki, what's that?"

Kacchan lifted it up higher so the world could see.

???: "Huh? 'Hero Analysis for the future'? Seriously?"

???2: "Midoriya..."

To my embarrassment. Both lackeys began to snicker aloud. W-why?

Me: "I-It's fine, isn't it? Give it back!"

I tried to fight back. Verbally of course, but Kacchan didn't listen. He clapped his hands together and created a condensed explosion. Burning my notebook. All I could do is stand there and watch him; Having no power in the situation. Like always.

Me: "That's mean..."

In response, Kacchan threw the now ruined notebook out the window.

Me: "What!?"

Kacchan: "Hm, most top first-string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want to the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A. From this mediocre city junior school. I mean, I'm a perfectionist."

He looked down smugly. Taking pride in his own words. He then walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. The said hand let off black smoke, indicating it was ready to explode.

Kacchan: "So anyway, don't apply to U.A, nerd."

All three of them trudged away as I stood there shaking. Why am I always like this? I don't even do anything to protect myself.

???2: "Come on, you could at least say something back."

???: "Don't say that. He's pathetic. He still can't face reality."

I heard Kacchan stop what he was doing, and look back at me. What does he want now.

Kacchan: "if you wanna be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it. Believe that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a last chance dive off the roof!"

I quickly turned to him and glared at him with a scowl. Unforgivable. You can't say stuff like that. But he didn't react like I thought he would. His hand let off small explosions, and his face looked like that of a villain.

Kacchan: "What?"

I was frozen in place. Again. I'm too scared to even react, let alone fight back. I really am worthless, Aren't I? I'll just go and get my notebook...


After 5 minutes of walking. I reached the back of the school. Where my notebook should of landed. The light of the sun hit my skin, and the wind stood still as I thought about what Kacchan said. I mean. He's such an idiot. Doesn't he know what he's saying. Honestly like I would ever do such a thing. I got so lost in thought I didn't pay attention to were I was going.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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