A visit to Diagon alley

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The clouds were dark and puffy, so filled to the brim with water that they looked like they would explode like a C4 bomb.
I walked along the sodden pavement, my small black loafers trudging and squelching along. You could slightly see amongst the thick, looming fog, the many people going about there average day, hurrying along like Buffalo's so as to avoid the storm that was soon to come.
England was such a strange place, thick fogs spreading about the sky like a great barrier hiding away the bright rays of the sun and endless amounts of pigeons flocking and pecking at the pavement in search of a morsel.
Turning many long corners and crossing risky crossroads I eventually made it to a simple looking bar, the golden writing on the sign worn with age, some letters chipped away. The sign stated " The leaky couldron".
Behind the ancient building I went, this lead to a long, alley that twisted and turned in many directions.
I walked down this part, covered in darkness save for the warm lights coming from the many different stores. I walked first into ollivanders wand shop, a small, ancient looking building radiating warmth from around it.
Inside, a tall, slender man in a dark turtleneck stood at the till smiling at each customer that entered.
Many young witches and wizards staying beside there parents, gazed at the many wands on display.

I walked up first to the till. " welcome young one " said he still smiling. "I haven't seen you around here before, I'm assuming your one of the new first years"
"that's about right " I replied returning the smile, smaller than his.
"would you be able to help me choose a wand " I asked.
" why of course my dear, that is my craft after all, now let me see" he stated with enthusiasm .  He looked at me, then furrowed his brows, chin on his hand, lost in deep thought, occasionally glancing back at me before returning to his thoughts.
"I've got it!" he cried moments later. "here, try out this wand". He handed me a small wand with the handle in the shape of a serpent. I waved it around, with swift arm movements, just like the others trying out there own wands.
" ah yes, it's a perfect fit" he cried, smiling to himself. " cherry wood with a Phoenix feather core, an ideal combination for a powerful wizard"
He handed me a small bag to put the wand in and I went off to buy the rest of the items on my list.
Next I entered a well lit shop,  filled with different sorts of witches and wizards, some being measured and others trying on robes. This shop was Madame Malkin's robes for all occasions. Madame Malkin looked like she was in her mid thirties, with grey hair and a motherly smile. "welcome sweetie, how may I help you?" she asked.
"I've come to buy a pair of robes for when it's warm and when it's cold , could you help me?" I replied.
"of course dear, come stand here on the circle and let me measure you" she said. I stepped onto the wooden Circe and Madame Malkin began to measure me from different angles.
Whilst waiting I looked around me, I noticed a particular wizard, a boy with messy jet black hair, tall and skinny with a lightning scar on his forehead was trying on some robes. He noticed me staring and waved, smiling slightly.
I waved , not bothering to smile back. His face seemed familiar but from where? I just couldn't put my finger on it.

By now, Madame Malkin had finished measuring me and handed me some robes to try on. I finished trying on my robes, payed the kind lady and went of on my way to finish my shopping. Next was a trip to flourish and blotts.
This shop had dark green walls and racks with all kinds of books on just about everything. I purchased all the textbooks I would need and some scrolls and quills.
I had finally finished buying everything I needed on my list. I let out a sigh of relief. Now I could spend the day however I desired. As I walked through Diagon alley, something caught my eye, something spectacular. It had a twisting and turning dark green body, elongated and plated with strong scales like armor, it had two lustrous and glassy eyes one red and one yellow with black slit pupils. It was a most wonderful snake.  It was perched on the window of the pet store magical Menagerie like a curious exhibit, my eyes gleamed and my thin lips broke into a soft smile as I marveled at it. Eventually I decided I had to buy it, it had won me over with its charms.

I stepped into the dimly lit store. A cool breeze filled the room.I went up to the store owner at the till and asked him how much the snake cost. The man just stared at me, his lacklustre eyes staring at me and his tense features barely visible. " My dear, you can't be serious!" he exclaimed. " that thing is the embodiment of evil, in fact I regret placing it there at all, it was given to me under mysterious circumstances and I was not to reveal it to anyone".
I was taken aback by the remark, least concerning to me was the way he received the creature but the way he spoke of it. How could someone be so callous towards a helpless creature?
"sir your remarks about the snake are quite outrageous, it's a helpless animal!" I cried
"well that is what it is and anyone who defends such a thing can't be any better" he remarked with pursed lips. " anyways, I refuse to sell the snake, it's a right nuisance, best not to hand over to anyone". 
I folded my hands together and tapped my feet rapidly in annoyance. I couldn't let the poor thing just sit there and suffer quietly, furthermore I had taken an emmense liking to it.
Then I started to grin to myself. A mischievous idea came to mind. There was no way it could fail.
"sir, think about this. If I took the creature then I would be taking a great burden off of you. Also my lips are thoroughly sealed, I shan't mention this to anyone, none shall know that you sold the snake".
His bows knitted as he thought about the deal. I could tell from his eyes faintly shining, that he was tempted by it. Then he answered " fine. I'll sell it to you, but remember well that you must tell no one.".
I couldn't help but grin as i saw that my plan succeeded. I payed the fee and he handed me a pet carrier, pale white  and slightly dusty. I went over to the snake and carefully lifted it up onto my hand, immediately it wrapped itself around my arm, seemingly quite content there. I laughed and decided to let it stay there for a bit. "already taken a liking to me have you?".

The man had given me some information on the snake like it's gender being female. As I walked down the street, my shopping stuffed into the pet carrier in one hand and my snake wrapped around the other, I contemplated on what I should name my new companion. In the end I decided to leave it until I got home, and took the train to my street.
When I arrived home, it was 9:30pm. I put my shopping aside and fell onto my bed, taking care not to hurt my snake. After awhile of thought, I finally came up with a name. "what do you think about Rikashi" I asked it, not really expecting an answer.
" I wish I could understand your language better " I said to her.
" though I suppose I don't really need to know it to understand you do i?". I smiled at her. To me she was the most adorable creature I'd ever met. Her glassy eyes glimmered as she opened her large, reticulated mouth. To my bewilderment, words begin to pour out of her. She said to me " hello human, thank you for your kindnessss back at the ssstore". For a few seconds I sat wide eyed, staring at my companion before laughing in delight.
" why that's positively incredible! I can understand you and speak to you  "
"yesss it's quite amazing isssn't it. Although you could understand me like no other either way" she responded.
"alssso I love the name you picked for me, it sssoundsss quite delightful"
. " why thank you! From here on you are known as Rikashi or Rika-chan for short" I exclaimed.
"ssso human, can I assssk for your name?" Rikashi said.
"yes of course. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier. I'm Kumebi!" I beamed.
"Kumebi, Kumebi" she repeated to herself. "what a beautiful name" she replied.
"thank you " I said.
"I think you and I will become great friendsss". Said Rikashi.
"I couldn't agree more" I smiled.
I looked up at the cat shaped clock in my room. It was now midnight. "jeez, where did all the time go" I thought to myself.
I felt quite tired after a while so I decided it would be best get some sleep. Rikashi slithered over to me and curled up beside me.
" goodnight friend" she said.
"sweet dreams" I responded.
Then we both drifted of to a deep sleep.

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