A sorting of hearts

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Please wipe your feet before entering the great hall, no dawdling now.

The old lady with the pointed hat threw open the doors and we were all hit with the golden rays of light emitting from the room. One by one in a single file line we entered the hall. The room was grand, a long table stretched out across it dressed in a lavish pale table cloth with gold trim and a golden goblet and fancy looking plates with matching cutlery were already layed out for the students. I looked up and saw a magnificent golden chandelier towering above us all. I felt so fortunate to be here, it was like being in a mansion, something I could never even imagine. Rikashi seemed just as surprised as I was.

The teachers all went and stood by there chairs and a great, tall, friendly looking old man with a long grey beard and half moon spectacles on his face, stood at the chair in the centre of the seperate teachers table. The old lady had left the room. The first years chattered amongst themselves whilst I just whispered to Rikashi about how wonderful the hall was. Then the old lady came back inside the hall. She put down a stool with a chair in front of it, on the stool she placed a tattered, dusty looking hat. She raised one hand in the air and the hall went silent.
"Welcome new first year's, it's good to see you all here today, your headmaster will give you the proper welcome but for now I will tell you what will be happening "
We all watched the woman, her calm eyes never losing there tranquility. " I am professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher and the head of griffindor house, but you'll find out about that soon ".

She checked that everyone was listening then continued. "In Hogwarts, there are four houses which students can be sorted into, you will remain with your house for the rest of your school life and you cannot be resorted. The houses are Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin "
Half of the students groaned at the mention of Slytherin. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. " The sorting is about to begin. You will ,when your name is called, come and sit on the chair next to me, then I will place the sorting hat on your head and it will tell you which house you belong to, you will then go to the appropriate house table, the prefect for each house is already waiting there. "
"before the sorting begins, you will be introduced to your professors for this year, if you face towards the teachers table you will see professor Flitwick, the charms teacher and head of ravenclaw house, professor sprout the herbology teacher and the head of hufflepuff house, professor Snape, the potions teacher and the head of slytherin house, professor quirrel the defense against dark Arts teacher, Professor Sinistra the Astronomy teacher and Madame Hooch the the flying teacher. "
The teachers turned and waved at the students smiling, all except for Snape who just stood there with a frowning sparing only a small glance. " oh and let's not forget Hagrid the gatekeeper whom you already met!"
The tall friendly man waved at us, grinning. Noticing me he waved with more enthusiasm , I waved back and Rikashi smiled at him.

"okay if everyone is ready the sorting will now commence. Listen for your name".
"Cedric Diggory "
A tall lanky boy with blond hair walked over to the chair, smiling at the girls he went passed making them swoon. Rikashi and I stuck our tounges out. "How gross" I whispered to Rikashi "yesss how horrible "
The sorting hat was placed on his head. It thought for a bit.
Cedric smiled and walked over to the hufflepuff table.
"Luna Lovegood"
A pale Blondie haired girl with round glasses sat on the chair.
She walked to the ravenclaw table.
This went on untill six of us remained including me.
"Ronald Weasly "
The bright ginger haired freckled boy went and sat at on the chair.
The other Griffindors cheered as Ron went to join them.
"Hermione Granger"
The ginger haired, smartly dressed girl sat on the chair.
This time the hat took a while before deciding.
the other griffindors cheered even louder as Hermione went to join them.
"Pansy Parkinson"
The dark haired, tough looking her took her seat on the chair, elbowing me as she went past. I gritted my teeth in annoyance.
The slytherins cheered as she went over to the Slytherin table.
"Draco Malfoy"
The blonde haired skinny boy from before went passed, smiling at me before taking a seat on the chair.I smiled back at him.
He grinned and walked over to the Slytherin table, the cheering louder than ever.
"Harry Potter"
Everyone turned to watch now. Harry had a reputation for being "the boy who lived" so it was no surprise that everyone wanted to see which house he'd be sorted into.
The sorting hat was taking the longest time to think this time, longer than for anyone else I had seen.
Everyone but me gasped. Students muttered among themselves about all sorts of crazy things like Harry being Voldemorts heir. Harry looked mortified.
"EVERYBODY BE SILENT!" yelled professor McGonagall. "The sorting hat is still deciding"
After a while the hat spoke again.
There was a sigh of relief from all round ( excluding me ) including Harry himself. I wondered why most seemed to dislike Slytherin house.
" Kumebi "
It was my turn to get sorted. I slowly walked over to the chair. I was trembling from head to toe as I inched closer to the chair. Hagrid gave me a thumbs up as I went giving me some confidence, I smiled at him.
"don't worry Kume-Chan you'll be fine, you can do this " whispered Rikashi into my ear. " Thanks Rika-Chan I needed that".
I said down on the chair, less shaky but still nervous.
I felt the sorting hat being placed on my head. As soon as it touched my head it yelled "SLYTHERIN"
No one cheered but Malfoy smiled at me. I was okay with that. I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything went alright so far. Just as I was getting of I decided to thank Rikashi, thinking it would be fine. "Thanks Rika-chan your the best!" I said smiling at my precious snake companion. "anytime Kume-chan "she beamed back at me.
Professor Mcgonagall dropped the hat, a look of horror on her face. I looked around, everyone's face had either a look of pure terror or contempt. I turned to Hagrid for some help, he just hung his head solemnly, giving me a feeble smile.

All eyes were on me now. The way they all looked at me, even some of the teachers, I felt like I had done something wrong. I took a deep breath, fighting back the tears that were welling in my eyes.

"what did I do wrong?"

Professor Mcgonagall was the one to respond. "You just spoke in Parseltounge"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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