The strange platform and the Hogwarts express

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Today was the day, I would be going to Hogwarts for the first time, taking the special train that takes you there. My hands were clammy and my knees kept shivering slightly as I anticipated the trip. I walked along the train station area, searching for the correct platform. Rikashi cuddled my arm tightly as we walked. She insisted on coming along and preferred my arm to the pet carrier. "dont worry too much okay kume-chan I will be with you"  she said reassuringly. "thanks Rika-chan, it will be a lot less stressful with you by my side". I clutched my suitcase tightly, the many stickers of anime characters shimmered as beams of sunlight shone on them. I loved all of the muggle items from my home country. Thoughts of Japan made my heart ache so I diverted my thoughts to finding the platform.

I had heard of the platform 9 and 3/4 before, many young folk in robes and pointy hats loved to gossip about the station and its magical train. Eventually, i made my way to two platforms, platform 9 and platform 10.  However there was nothing in between save for a pale, slightly stained wall.
I stood there staring at it like a dumfounded dog as many passing by muggles stared at me like I was a lunatic of some sort.
How could there be no platform in between? How could I possibly get to Hogwarts if there was no platform 9 and 3/4 to be seen? I was starting to get flustered now, my hands were shaking a lot and my palms were sweaty.
"calm down Kume-chan, take a deep breath" said Rikashi, noticing how stressed I was. "think this though, your going to a magical school right? So there must be some magical way to get to the train to the school".
"Of course! Your a genius Rika-chan thank you!" I exclaimed.
It was so obvious. If the platform was easily visible then the muggles would surely be alarmed by it. Now all that was left was to find out how to access this secret platform.

I scanned the area but nothing seemed to stand out except for the wall between platform 9 and 10. But how could the wall possibly help? Then an idea popped into my head. It was quite a risky idea  that had a 50% chance of failing, but I thought it was worth a shot.
"brace yourself Rika-chan" I said to my snake companion.
I took a few steps back. Taking in a deep breath I started to run. As I neared closer to the wall, I gained more momentum, going faster and faster, inches away from slamming into the wall, but it never happened. It all went so fast, I ended up on the other side of the wall, panting like a dog to regain my breath.
I looked around me, this new place was breathtaking, there were witches and wizards clutching there suitcases, biding there family goodbye and heading for a magnificent looking red train, the area itself being very pristine and smelled of toffee.
This was platform 9 and 3/4.
As I stood taking it all in, a boy called out to me to hurry up or I'd miss the train. I turned to look at him. It was the same boy from diagon alley with the jet black hair and lightning scar on his forehead. Suddenly, I realised who it was. I thought to myself how stupid I was to not realise sooner. The boy called out to me again, laughing " hey, stop day dreaming kid, your going to miss the train!"
"sorry!" I called back, then realizing the time I hurried on over to the train.

as i entered I looked around in awe at the beautiful compartments with clean green seats and shiny windows. Many young witches and wizards hurried along and seated themselves where they desired. I walked along the compartment and noticed the same boy sitting down by himself. " oh hello again" he said smiling.
"hi" I replied.  " I recognize you now, your the famous Harry Potter aren't You?"
He laughed " yeah, everyone seems to know me already".
I was going to sit down when another boy with bright reddish hair and matching freckles came and sat down in my place. " hey there".
The two began a conversation and they seemed to forget I was even there until the freckled boy suddenly turned.
" sorry, forgot you were there " he said.  I didn't respond but stood there with my arms folded, a frown embedded on my face.
"hey I said I was sorry ".
"alright fine" I said returning to a smile.
"what's your name then?" he asked.
"Kumebi" I responded.
"What's your name?" I asked
"its Ron, Ron Weasley" he smiled
"oh sorry I forgot to ask you that Kumebi" said Harry
"it's alright".
Then they returned to their conversation. I decided to head of after that. It wasn't like they would notice me leave anyways.
As I walked of I saw a girl with long curly ginger hair walk into the compartment, her arms folded.
"hi there" I said feebly.
She continued waking, then stopped abruptly  and turned around.
"sorry, I didn't realise you were speaking to me " she said.  " hello, I'm Hermione Granger nice to meet you"
" Hello Hermione, I'm Kumebi. nice to meet you too. Your the first formal person I've met you know. " I said
She smiled. " I'm not surprised".
she then glanced at the snake on my shoulder. She took one look at Rikashi and her face went paler than normal, there was obvious distaste in her features. "I'll be going now, bye Kumebi" she said then walked off over to were the two boys were and started a conversation with them.
"sorry Rika-chan, I don't know why she reacted like that when she saw you"
"it'sss fine, I don't care sssince I know that you like me at leassst"
I smiled at her. Then I walked of to find somewhere to sit. I passed through another compartment, this time with a blonde, skinny boy sitting with a girl with light brown curly hair and pale pink robes.
The girl sniggered as I went passed, remarking on how ugly my raven black hair was and muttering other snide remarks. The boy however snuck a smile at me, whilst laughing with the girl.
I smiled back.
"scram weirdo, can't you see im trying to be with my angelkins" said the girl
I walked off, fake hurling as I went. "ssseriously what kind of name isss angelkinss" said Rikashi
" I know right"
I finally found an empty compartment and sat down at a seat, putting down my suitcase. The seats were quite comfy.
I sighed. There wasn't anything to do so I just looked out the window. Vivid, rolling green hills passed by, filled by lush forests and meadows with grazing sheep like fluffy clouds in the distance.
"The view is nice" said rikashi.  "yeah".
After awhile I must have drifted of to sleep for I hardly remembered a person standing in front of me before.
I looked up, the first thing I noticed was that he was incredibly tall, in fact I had never met anyone taller. He had a great fluffy and bushy brown beard and and a beaming friendly smile. His brown, lacklustre eyes squinted at me.
"hullo there, I've been waitin' fer ya to wake up fer a while now" he said in an unfamiliar accent.
"oh hello sorry about that " I said. "You can sit down here if you like"
"thanks, me backs bin achin' a while" he said rubbing his tender back before taking a seat.
I could slightly feel his weight as he sat.
"oh sorry, how rude o' me, I didn't even introduce me self" he said apologetically "me names Rubeus Hagrid, I'm grounds keeper and keeper of the keys at Hogwarts, nice to meet ya"
"hello Hagrid, im Kumebi it's nice to meet you too" I smiled at him.
"since you work there, could you tell me a bit about the place?" I asked keenly.
"sure but only a bit. Hogwarts a great place. Bin workin' there fer years meself. The headmaster's a great man too and the teachers are quite good. But I'll let ye find out the rest fer yerself" he said grinning.
All the while we sat there, I noticed he never once commented or even made a face at my snake companion. I was glad to have met such a nice person.
Moments later, I heard the screech of wheels and saw an old woman come up to us with a trolley.
"that's the trolley witch, she's got all sorts 'a' stuff that she sells, tasty stuff mind you!"
I eyed the contents on the trolley. Hagrid was right, there was all sorts of treats to choose from, from chocolate frogs, Bertie bott's every flavor beans, droobles best blowing gum, cauldron cakes, pumpkin pasties, liquorice wands and even iced pumpkin juice. I gave the lady 5 sickles and 5 knuts and got my self some chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes and an iced pumpkin juice. Hagrid bought iced pumpkin juice, a chocolate frog and "the daily prophet" newspaper.
We both munched away at our delectable snacks and Hagrid seemed absorbed in his newspaper occasionally muttering " the friggin' fools " or " well done then" as he read. I noticed a shimmery, holographic card in one of my chocolate frog wrappers. I took it out for a closer look. An old man with a great, long white beard, half moon glasses and friendly features stared back at me. "that's Dumbledore" said Hagrid making me jump.  "sorry didn't mean to scare ya"
"it's alright " I said smiling.
"Dumbledore's the headmaster at Hogwarts, ye got yerself a good card" he grinned "all I gots is some beady eyed quidditch player"
I then noticed that the card wasn't holographic at all but the man was moving! " so cool!" I cried
"yeah thatsss cool" remarked Rikashi. Hagrid rapidly turned to look at me. He smiled at me but I could tell he was agitated, agitated by Rikashi. Was he not as kind as I thought after all?

I didnt have much time to think it over. Eventually, the train came to a halt. Hagrid said " grab yer bags, were here!" we departed from the train and I saw before me the most majestic looking castle, tall, dark and mysterious.
The grass was lush and grew very much and a great,  dazzling lake stood before the castle.
Dozens of witches and wizards were scattered about, unsure of where to go.
"first years come to me" said Hagrid, his voice echoing across the area.
We all went and lined up behind Hagrid. "well have to canoe across the lake to get to the castle. Partner up everyone".
I watched as the witches and wizards hurried along, pairing up with those familiar to them, all avoiding me. Harry went with Ron and Hermione went with a girl I didn't recognize. The Blondie boy I saw before on the train looked as if he was going to come over to me but the pink robed girl yanked his arm and partnered with him.
He smiled at me sympathetically as I stood there alone.
Hagrid looked around and saw me by myself. "don't worry I'll pair up with ya " he grinned at me. I smiled back.
We all got into a canoe and began rowing towards the castle.
Hagrid paddled, each stroke creating a beautiful ripple on the waters surface. I paddled as well, my stokes weaker and more feeble. As we rowed Hagrid remarked " nice snake ye got there"
.  I almost fell of my seat. Even Rikashi looked slightly surprised.
"You actually like her?" I asked. "yeah, she seems like an awfully  adorable critter if ya ask me" he grinned noticing the surprise on my face. We eventually made it to dry land.

As I climed out of my canoee, I noticed how large Hogwarts was. It was the most incredible building I had ever seen, each turret towered over me like a soldier. I couldn't wait to step inside.
Then all of a sudden I felt drops of liquid on my cheeks. Chilly droplets. Then the droplets became streams and I realised it was a downpour of rain. Everyone rushed to get inside, crowding round the tall doors so I had to wait before I could enter. Once everyone had entered, I was soaked to the core and looked like a droopy dog. I rather liked the rain however so I didn't mind too much, admiring each drop as it rolled down my cheeks. Then I went and entered the building, Hagrid smiling at me as he went passed.

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