Chapter 3: Nightmare Steve is back?!?!

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Nightmare Steve's POV

I teleport to Ultra, feeling that my corruption has returned, or at least it's trying, she's fighting it, I look at her with an evil grin. I can tell that she is struggling with fighting it, I pick her up by her throat, "Just let it take over. You know you want it to." I say she soon sighs "J-Just don't hurt...S-Sabre.....please...." She gasps, seeming to be close to him, I nod and she soon stops fighting the corruption, her eyes turn a dark, crimson red and I let her go. Perfect I thought to myself.

Ultras POV

I'm struggling to fight this corrpution, I see Nightmare Steve appear in front of me, he looks at me with his iconic evil smile he stays silent for a good five, ten minutes, soon he says as he picks me up by my throat "Just let it take over. I know you want it to." I hate to agree....but I DO want it to take over, it gets rid of any fear I have, I soon gasp out "J-Just don't hurt.....S-Sabre......please...." He stays quiet for a few seconds then nods, I then stop fighting and let it take over, he drops me as my eyes turn a dark, crimson red. "Welcome back.....Shade." He says to me, "Good to be back sir. Now who do you want me to get for you?" I ask he tells me "Well, could you get Sabre for me? I have upgraded your powers, you can now change the color of your eyes back to how they would be of you weren't like this, I want you to get him but make sure its only him. I noticed that his little friend has also joined." He explained how my new powers worked and I nod and my right eye fades back to blue as my left eye lightens and I cover it back up. "Now off you go Shade, and if they call you 'Ultra' answer to that name." He ordered me and I nod then teleport away, I see them not too far from where I had teleported. I walks up to them "Guys?" I say

Sabre's POV

"Lucas, why can't we go back for her?! What if she's in trouble?!" I yell at Lucas, who is being stubborn and not letting me go back to save her "Sabre, you heard what she said, she told us to run, then teleported us away! She obviously didn't want us near for whatever happens over there!" But before I could answer I hear someone say "Guys?" We look over and see Ultra, she seems fine, but for some reason I feel as if I shouldn't go to her, like shes changed, I push the feeling down and run at her, crashing into her body. "ULTRA! You're okay!" I shout, she chuckles "Hey Sabre! Hey Lucas!" She says after I get off of her. Lucas says 'hi' back then asks what happened " old corruption trying to take over. I fought it off though." She says, a bit hesitant I notice, "How did it happen?" I ask, she says two words that make my blood run cold, she said "Nightmare Steve" I take a step back "B-But we helped him get back to normal! He should be a normal yellow steve now!!" I say, panicking, Ultra gives me a hug to calm me down. "Sabre....I need to talk to you...alone, if thats okay?" She asked, I nodded and she teleports us away after telling Lucas that we would be back "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, then I notice that she seems relieved about something, I also notice that she brought us to the same place that she had teleported us away from "Please...don't be sacred....and don't hurt him....or me.....once you see....promise me you won't." She says and I instantly promise her that no one would be hurt, then she moves her hair and her eyes turn a dark, crimson red, and her hair goes darker as I take a step back "Sir, I got him as you asked!" She calls out to someone and lightning struck right next to her as Nightmare Steve appeared next to her "Thank you, Shade, now, Sabre you may be wondering what is happening, right?" He asks me.....I nod, Why isn't he or Ultra attacking? And why did he call Ultra, "Shade"???? I thought to myself. Nightmare Steve smiled "I can tell you are wondering why we aren't attacking, the reason is, Ultra didn't want you to be hurt. And yes, I dont seem like the one to keep promises, but she seemed....close to you." He said, I try to calm down and Ul- Well, Shade says "Sabre, I may look different and have a different name right now, but I still feel the same way towards you. I could never forgive myself if something bad happened to you." I smile as she says that "O-Okay...." I say.

Shade's (Ultra's) POV

As I bring Sabre back and Nightmare Steve tells him about our deal Sabre seems to be calming down, but is still shocked so I say "Sabre, I may look different and have a different name, I still feel the same way towards you. I could never forgive myself if something bad happened to you." He seems to calm down after that, I look at Nightmare Steve about to ask if I can bring Lucas here, he seems to already know and nods, I smile and teleport him here, but the second he sees Nightmare Steve he draws his sword "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ULTRA?!" He shouts, also noticing that I'm corrupted, both Sabre and I go in front of him as Lucas charges to attack, he had slashed Sabre instead of Nightmare Steve and he instantly stops as Sabre grabs his chest and yells in pain, as that happens Nightmare Steve gets rid of the corruption but the small bit that had made my eye red still stays, I run up to Sabre, mad at Lucas and I push him out of the way, furious that he hurt Sabre, I ease the pain with some water that I had on me and then heal it up, then I look at Lucas "What is wrong with you?!" I shout, Sabre had passed out from the pain, "Could you not see that neither of us where attacking Sabre?! You didn't even give Nightmare Steve time to explain!" I shout at him "I-I-I didn't mean to hurt Sabre.....he's my best friend....." Lucas says then runs off, I then see how my words have affected him and I look at Nightmare Steve. "C-Can you go after him? I'll stay with Sabre, make sure you explain EVERYTHING to Lucas." I tell him as he goes after Lucas.

Nightmare Steve's POV

As I'm running after Lucas I hope that Ultra is safe, same with Sabre, sure I went back to being Nightmare Steve instead of staying as a Yellow Steve. But I had my reasons to do what I did. I soon see Lucas up ahead, sitting under a tree, I walk up and sit next to him. "What do you want? To yell at me? Tell me how I'm so fricking stupid for not letting you explain? Well I already know!" Lucas says
      "No....Ultra wanted me to find you, she realized how bad her words must have hurt you, she only said them out of anger. She didn't mean any of it, Lucas, shes.....odd......and she's also protective of Sabre, when her corruption takes over, I know everything she knows." I had explained then I give him a hug to comfort him "How about we go back and I explain why we weren't attacking Sabre?" I say and he nods "That would be nice and put my mind to ease." He says and I help him up, on our way back I explain everything like Ultra said, but when we get there they aren't there "Must have brought him to her house." I say and take Lucas' hand and teleport us to her house, Lucas then proceeded to knock on the door, we get greeted by another Steve, one that is not too fond of me. "And what are you doing here, Nightmare Steve?" He asks, and I chuckle "Hey Dragon Steve.....You see, Ultra had said some rude stuff to Lucas here, out of anger and then wanted me to get him for her, is she home?" I explain then Ultra walks up to the door "Oh! Great you got him! Come in, come in." She invited us in, Dragon is furious as I walked past him "Is Sabre okay?" Both Lucas and I ask, she nods "Just passed out from either blood lost, or the pain." She explained and Lucas ran up to Sabre, seeing him on a bed.

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