Matt (Funny)

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You waited for Matt to come home. You dreaded this moment every day, no matter what you told anybody, they never believe you about the things he did behind closed doors.

You were currently sandwiched in between a trunk and the wall in your attic, praying to God he wouldn't find you.

It had been a week after you started dating him that he started doing this. He would come home and walk in, calling your name.

At first, you would rush up to him, throwing your arms around his neck and your legs jumping up around his waist. But things took a turn for the worst when he started to show you a side of him you'd never seen before. To be honest, it now absolutely terrified you when he came home and when he started to search for you after you hid from him. No matter where you hid, he found you and he dragged you out.

I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't she go and tell somebody or stay with somebody else? Well, nobody believes me, no matter what I tell them. They all say that Matt would never be that kind of person and that he's the best thing that has ever happened to me so I better be more appreciative towards him and stop telling lies about him.

But as to why, I can't leave the house? The answer is, he always has someone watching all sides of the house, making sure I don't leave unless there was an emergency. I had to find that out the hard way.

A few days ago, I snuck out to go see a friend and beg her to believe me about him. As soon as I got in my car, Matt called me. I picked up, knowing he couldn't possibly see me attempting to get away. But to my disbelief and horror, our conversation went a little something like this.

"Where do you think you're going, (Y/N)?" Matt questioned.

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere?" You retaliated.

"I'm not stupid. Get back in the house." He demanded before hanging up. You hung up in defeat and opened the car door to head back inside. But to your immense shock, you saw a man peering through a pair of binoculars from between the hedge that surrounded the backyard and the sides of your property. You stared at him, mouth hanging wide open but the man, realizing he had been spotted, slunk back into the hedge.

I also had my phone taken away from Matt at the beginning of our relationship, him using the excuse that his phone was sufficient for both of us.

Your heart shattered as you heard the front door open and close. You heard him yell for you but you remained glued in your spot, not daring to scoot an inch. You heard his footsteps echo through the living room and you cowered in your spot, shaking so hard you were scared he might find you.

"I don't like playing this game angel and you know that." He yelled, continuing to search around the house. Your breaths came hard and fast, knowing he was going to find you eventually.

"OK if you want to be like this, I'll just have to come find you." Matt yelled.

You heard his footsteps pounded up the stairs and he started to search around the second floor, including your bedroom, the bathroom, and the guest room.

You covered your mouth with your hand to prevent that scream was building up inside your throat. You clenched your hand into a fist as he pulled down the ladder that would lead him to the attic. He started to sift through the many empty boxes and crates that littered the attic floor.

You quickly tried to cover your mouth with your other hand but accidentally bumped the trunk, creating a soft thump. It was barely audible but you knew he heard it anyways.

Sure enough, you saw his feet walk over and plant themselves in front of you. You slowly looked up to meet his gaze and you knew what was about to come next.

Matt let out a Tyrannosaurus Rex screech and reached down to pull you up from your hiding spot. Keeping a firm grip on you, he hoisted you over his shoulder and ran out of the room.

"I AM THE ESPISAURUS REX!" He screamed loudly. The tears ran down your face as he ran through the house with you, making dinosaur noises.

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