Author's Note

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Okay so first off I'd like to explain last week. What happened was on Monday I tried to post an authors note for you guys so I could get a chapter of that consisted mainly of the following;

"Do you guys want Aussie to like Hunter or not? I'm not really so sure on the triangle thing, so I'll let you decide.

Also, just so you know, as I'm sure you already do, I know nothing of Aussie or his personality. The name was researched and I did get that much from Wikipedia, but the personality I completely made up. That said, sorry if it's too close to Hunter's, as he didn't really need or get much character development yet, which may or may not change, I'm not sure yet. Thus he's a bit of a default character of mine.

I really don't want to be late with chapters with this story and I'm pretty sure I haven't yet so please comment and thanks in advance for your help!"

However, this note completely screwed up WattPad for me. It created 6 copies of itself that caused error after error message, deleted the contents of some drafted chapters, and screwed up the order of things, all of which I made sure you guys didn't see. But, in order to make sure that error did not affect you guys, I couldn't post a chapter or edit the chapter for last week at all and because this happened Monday night, I couldn't accurately get it fixed until recently, this stopping me from getting a chapter out until so close to this week's that I couldn't have gotten them both out.

That said, I used this time to make a decision on the matter, which is that Aussie of course always has been hinted to like Hunter and I'm going with it unless you guys majorly hate that idea and let me know before the chapter gets posted tomorrow.

So let me know if it really bugs you guys. Otherwise I'll have a chapter tomorrow and I beg you guys not to count last week's lack of chapter against me. If not for that, I may not have had a solid chapter this week anyway, as I'm taking an Algebra II & Trig mid-term tomorrow (if snow permits) and I studied today, which is why this wasn't up earlier.

Please also forgive me if the issue returns for some odd reason and messes up the story.

>***_End Of A/N_***<

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