Visitation days (Imagine for Myah)

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"I'm sorry ma'am." He said taking August's arm and leading him to the cop car. He got inside and they closed the door.

I looked at August and mouthed I love you. And he did the same back. And they drove off.

He was just starting to change.....


**1 Week Later**

I'm finally able to visit August in jail. He's been put in jail for possession of illegal drugs which they sentenced him to 4 years with parole.The bail was $800,000 but I didn't have that type of money.😩

I pulled my car into the jail parking lot. Kharria was at my mom's house because I felt like today I just need to be there and I'll bring Kharria next time.

I walked into the jail and walked up the desk.

"Hello ma'am." The officer said. "How can I help you?"

"I would like to visit August Alsina." I said.

"Alright." He said getting up and telling the other officer to go get him. "Follow me."

I followed him to a room that had phones with glass dividers to talk to the people. I sat down and waited for them to bring out August.
When they brought him out my eyes lit up.

He sat down and picked up the phone and so did I.

He stared at me before saying something.

"Hey babeh." He said looking in my eyes.

"Hi August." I said looking down.

"How have you been? How's Kharria?" He asked.

"I-i've been good." I say tearing up and holding my head back up. "A-and Kharria's been good too. She misses you."

"Well," he said pausing. "Tell her that her daddy loves her and I miss her too."

"Ok." I said crying.

"Babeh, please don't cry." August said. "I love you so much and I'm sorry all this happened.

I shook my head. "I love you too."

**A year later**

Me and Kharria have been visiting August at least 2 or 3 times a week. She always presses her hand against the glass and August presses his hand on against it on the other side of the glass. It's the closest thing they have to hugging or kissing.

Today we are visiting August and it's Kharria's 4th birthday.

We walked into the jail and the officer knows us by now so they let us in. August came in and sat down. He picked up the phone and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY'S BABY GIRL!!"

Kharria giggled as I held the phone up to her ear.

"Thanks daddy!" She said with the widest smile.

I smiled to myself glad that my daughter and her father are getting along and still have a infinite love for each other.


**2 months**

So August has been in jail for about two years now. Today I'm visiting him while Kharria is at school.

August came up to the booth and picked up the phone. He had the widest and biggest smile on his face. Which is not really expected if you in prison so I was like 😐.

"Guess What?" He asked.

"What babe?" I asked with a smile starting to form on my lips. A smile on his lips brings a smile to mine.

"I'm gettin outta here soon babeh!!" He said excited. "They lettin me out on parole in a few weeks if I'm good!"

"Awwww! Yes August!" I said excited. "That's great! I can't wait!"

"I know!" He said laughing.

"You better be good!" I say laughing along with him. "Me and Kharria can't wait to have you home baby!"

"Me too babeh." He said while looking in my eyes.


**1 Week later**

August has been good so today is the day they are letting him out with parole!!

I walked into the jail with Kharria right beside me holding my hand. I walked up to the desk.

"How may I help you ma'am?" The woman officer asked.

"I'm here to get August Alsina out because he got parole." I say politely.

"Ok. Lemme check that real quick." She said smiling at me and Kharria and looking at her computer screen. "Alright. It says here that Mr. Alsina is out for parole today. I'll go get him."
"Yayyyyy!" Kharria yelled. "Daddy!"

"Thanks so much." I said smiling.

"Your welcome hun!" She said smiling too. "You both sure do look happy."

Me and Kharria sat down and waited for her to bring August out. A few minutes later August walked out.

"August!" I said as me and Kharria ran up to him and hugged him tight.

I put my arms around his neck getting that hug that I missed for so long and Kharria held onto August's leg and I bet she missed that a lot.

"I love you so much babeh!" August said kissing me lustfully and passionately.

"Ewwww." Kharria said scrunching up her nose. "Daddy! What about me?!"

I let out a small laugh.

"I missed you so much too babeh girl!" He said laughing and then picking her up in his arms and holding her tight. "I love you babeh girl!"

Kharria let out a small laugh and said, "I love you too daddy."

"Alright. Let's go girl." August said with a smile. "I can't wait to finally be at home with my girls well my Queen and my princess!"

We all laughed and went to the car.

"And Myah," He said turning to me after putting Kharria in her car seat. "I promise I wont get into trouble again. And I'll always be here for my wonderful girls!"

"Good August. I don't know what I would do if you got into trouble again." I smiled and then August wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

He then crashed his lips onto mine and we made out. I missed this and I can tell he did too. He slowly pulled away and looked in my eyes.

"I love you Myah." He said and them smiled.

"I love you to August." I said smiling too. "And please don't ever leave me again."

"I won't." He said. "I promise."

I smiled and we got in the car and made our way home. I'm glad we can all be home together as family again.






P.S- Excuse any mistakes

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