La clemenza di Tito

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It's only been a couple of weeks after the dinner party, but you've already appointed your first class with Mozart, much to Beethoven's disbelief.
"A private class with the greatest composer of all time, come on Y/N you can't be serious!" He huffs as you get ready to leave.
"I'm sure he's just humouring me" you reassure Beethoven's fragile ego. If only Mozart could do more than just humour you... "I'll be back early evening." You quickly say to distract yourself from ✨impure✨ thoughts.
Beethoven waves his hand in dismissal, "fine, just remember to give him my piece to look at".
You secretly roll your eyes, "of course darling" you squeeze out through a fake smile, "I'll see you later" you call as you rush to the door, Beethoven giving an unintelligible grunt as a goodbye as you leave for Mozart's residence.

You arrive slightly earlier than planned, either due to the lack of carriage traffic or your incessant need to leave Beethoven's mood.
"I'm sorry but Master Mozart is currently in a very important composing session, please feel free to explore the grounds while you wait." A kind staff member says as you nervously wait in the drawing room.

You could spend months exploring the grounds, each section transported you to somewhere new. You pass towering hedge mazes and lush walled gardens, slowly climbing further and further into this never ending dimension. Your heart stops as you find what must be the most beautiful section, a blanket of purple seems to cover every inch of the environment. Lavender reaches out from either side of the pebbled path as blossoms bloom on the dancing trees over head. You hear melodic water rushing from a nearby stream as you slowly walk up to a delicate wooden bridge, looking over the edge to see small fish darting in between the patterned currents.
"It's beautiful isn't it" a voice suddenly whispers, making you jump. You spin round to see a rather shocked Mozart. "Sorry my dear, I didn't mean to scare you" he pleads gently, clear embarrassment spreads across his face.
"Oh no worries.." you say, pausing, "it is quite gorgeous" you reassure, he smiles gently.
"I would take you back to the house, but the journey would take up half the lesson. Would you prefer it if we conducted it somewhere nearer?" He asks.
You nod as he leads you further into the woods, further away from the house, further away from unwanted prying eyes.

Love Symphony No. 69 (Mozart x Self Insert FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now