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-Calum’s POV-

Mickaela and I were starting off the weekend watching friends on the tv in her room. We had discovered we both loved Friends and spent most of our time watching it.

“We should go now.” I said staring at my watch. My mum had called me to head down to Coles and grab some milk and bread so I decided while I was at it to go to the music store and check out the electric guitars because I was saving up for one.

“Okay.” She said popping her shoes on and jumping off the bed to turn the tv off.


-Mickaela’s POV-

“Goddamnit Calum where did you go?” I laughed knowing he was nearby somewhere ready to jump out and scare me.

I walked to the bread section knowing he was probably going to be there. “Boo!” He jumps from behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

“Wow you scared me!” I exclaimed with full use of sarcasm.

“You’re so bad at pretending as least try to pretend to be scared because none of my attempts appear to of worked so far.” He laughs, then grabs my hand dragging me somewhere.

“My hand.” I wined in pain at how tight he was holding it.

“Sorry.” He pouted. “Do you want me to kiss it better?”

“It’s okay.” I responded blushing, trying to laugh it off. I looked in another direction as I felt my cheeks burn.

“Stop being such a dork!”

“I cant help it it’s just me.” He smiled as I watched him examining the various types of milk. There’s just way too many to choose from I guess.

I turned over looking at the frozen pizzas as I felt something cold on my back. “Shit that’s cold!” I said furiously breaking into a laugh.

-Ashton’s POV-

One day. One day I wanted without thinking of Mickaela and Calum fucking Hood. But there they are, in the same store as me at the same time. I can hear them from two isles away. It’s almost so easy to recognise their voices because of how loud they are.

“Ashton.” My mum waved her hand in my face and I blink being brought back to attention.

“Yeah?” I respond pushing the trolley and leaning on it.

“I need you to head down and get me the milk which’ll save me from going to one less isle.”  My mum says looking around.

“Okay.” I roll my eyes at her remark and stalk off hoping to come across Calum and Mickaela.

I stroll around walking down and see them walking off in the opposite direction. Thank god I sigh in relief. I grab the milk and follow the direction they were walking In, as it was a shortcut to the isle my mum was in.

“Oh no.” I mutter to myself watching Mickaela’s head turn around laughing really loudly. Her and Calum are holding hands, what the actual fuck. She stares at me for half a second still smiling but looks in the other direction to kiss Calum. She literally looks she’s trying to suck his face off.  I watch them and realise how alone I actually feel.

Suddenly snap out of it by Arctic Monkeys starts playing in my head. At least my head’s into gear now I wonder turning around in frustration, walking the opposite way to plan.

-Calum’s POV-

It happened. It happened. In coles on a Saturday afternoon though. Not how I planned but what do ya know, not everything goes to plan. She kissed me so passionately and I wasn’t even ready for it. I was nor emotionally or mentally prepared for that kiss. I know it’s all part of the plan but it felt so real, like there was potential for there to be a ‘us’ not some silly plan to make someone jealous.

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