LOVE (chapter 4)

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you start to wake up and you grab you phone to see what time it is, 8:37 PM, you then realize you feel something soft around your body, you look behind  and see Laura cuddling you, you start to drift back to sleep, until a thought hit you.

Y/N: wait I'm sleeping right by a giant deer woman in the middle of the woods, in a tent alone, that's crazy but quite nice also

you slowly try to get out but her grip on you is too tight so you try to wake her up nicely.

Y/N: hay Laura wakey wakey

you lightly push Laura, she begins to open her eyes and look at you

Laura: oh good morning Y/N

she then realizes she is cuddling you, she gets embarrassed and lets go of you, you both get up, and you ask her what dose she want to do today.

Y/N: so Laura is there anything you would like to do today

Laura: oh uh maybe we can just sit at the waterfall cliff, and talk together, cause ever since I never usually have anyone to talk to most of the time, well I do have my family that visits from time to time, but they only visit about once every season

Y/N: wait you have a family

Laura: of course but I don't know how they would react to you, because your a human and all

Y/N: oh I mean I don't it will be that bad if I met them, I could try to change there mind about me

Laura: no I don't think it would be a good idea my dad he's kind of picky on who I spend time with, so how are your parents

Y/N: there... great but my mom is not doing to well, that's why I decided to go on a camping trip out here to be alone

Laura: oh sorry for asking

Y/N: don't worry I have been having a great time with you here

Laura is very happy with what you said she then hugs you with a warm embrace, you didn't these up this time you hugged her back 

Laura: aw your hugging me back

you start to get embarrassed, you both let go of each other

Y/N: yeah um, so uh lets get going to the cliff

you and Laura start to walk over to the waterfall, you just keep fallowing behind her, you eyes start shifting to her body, you get a good look at her, she just towers over you, and her hips are wide and prefect, you then realize that its rude to stair at her but, you then look away to not be rude, after some more time of walking you where not paying attention and hit your head on a branch, you fell down clenching your nose, and groan in pain a bit, Laura then looks back at you with a worried expression on her face, she rushes to you, as you remove your hand you see blood on it, Laura starts to freak out.  

Y/N: ahhhh

Laura: oh Y/N are you ok

you hold your nose tight

Y/N: yeah I'm fine

blood starts dripping from your hand

Laura: no your not your bleeding, here let me help you just stay still

Laura rushes over to you and then crouches down and places her hand on your nose the pain starts to go away, she then calms down and you both stand up,

Laura: here let me hold your hand so you don't get hurt

Y/N: *sigh* ok

Laura lends out her hand you grab it, you both continue walking, when you get there its beautiful, but you stop and ask her a question

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