Chapter 8

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Tanjiro made a hasty apology, but Camellia just went back to sleep, completely unaware of a decision happening a few miles away.

Anyway, when she woke up, fully awake, Urokodaki had already explained to Tanjiro that she was colorblind. They assumed the cause was from just something she was born with. Or maybe she hit her head somewhere.

Tanjiro was off running down the mountain again.

Camellia was training with the other mountain children. Urokodaki couldn't see them, and didn't, but he did hear they were training her. And considering he was sure she wasn't imagining them, he let her go.

Hopefully, Makomo wouldn't use poison on her.......

While Urokodaki supervised Tanjiro, and Camellia was actually picking flowers with Sabito, a crow flew down with a letter.

"A crow!" Tanjiro gasped, as it landed on Urokodaki's arm; it carried a letter.

Urokodaki took the letter and read it. Then, his shoulders stiffened, and relaxed.

"Will you be fine on your own?"

It was a summons to the next Pillar meeting. Which was next week.

Meanwhile, Camellia was giggling and just placed a flower crown on Sabito, who, crouching, looked at her with a soft smile.

Makomo, who was watching Urokodaki and Tanjiro, and tiptoeing to read over Urokodaki's shoulder, flashed away and appeared next to Sabito.

"What's up, Makomo?" Sabito asked, looking over.

Makomo pointed to Camellia, and whispered, "She's being summoned to a Pillar meeting."

"......... A what??"

Pillars were the strongest demon hunters in the whole organization; their meetings were once a month, and were only with those of the highest ranks in the corps.

Urokodaki was a retired water pillar; Giyuu was the current holder of that position. Shinobu was also a pillar herself.

So... Why were they summoning a kid? Was it because of her mud pies? How dare they think she's in trouble for such amazing creations! Or maybe it was Barek. Yeah. Probably him. That made much more sense.

Camellia was off playing something with the other ghost children, that had to do with her drawing lines in the ground, putting rocks down, and shoving one inside Ayame's mouth. She was probably playing house.


Camellia got time out for that.

Chūichi mentioned again that crickets could be a delicacy.

He also got timed out by Sabito because she tried to eat bugs again from that.

"Don't eat that!"


. . .

Camellia was like Makomo, in that they both physically weaker than others.

She couldn't use a bokken very well because of its length, so they had to cut it down.

Sabito took her bokken and broke it in two with his knee, which worked well enough until splinters happened.

As a solution, Camellia brought out two kitchen knives.

They all just stared in silent horror, sweating guiltily as their baby sister casually, even grinning happily, held up both knives and stabbed them into a tree stump.

Camellia [Demon Slayer/KNY Fanfiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ