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                                            (  Written by TheLastPrimevalFan )

                                                         1983, Thirteen's POV

She let out a sound somewhere between a growl and a hiss as another bullet grazed her shoulder, slicing cleanly through the flesh. Her head whipped back to face the guard, her golden eyes shone with untame fury.

A small grimace appeared at the corners of Thirteen's mouth, she could plainly see the horror in the trembling guard.

With his shaking hands he fired another bullet, this time it missed completely and echoed loudly against the walls. That's his Fifth bullet, only one more shot. She thought, her long claws flexing in and out.

Thirteen took a threatening step forward, which caused the guard to panic and shoot his last bullet aimlessly, not bothering to land a hit on his target. She sat down and watched as he fainted on the spot, amusement flaring in her eyes.

As she padded over towards him, she felt her paws fall from underneath her, falling as a small drop of blood, dripped slowly down from her panting mouth and splatter on the steel ground echoing in her head.

She struggled to stand, her paws threatening to give out underneath her, the blood flow from her mouth slowly grew.

She stared at her paws, the fur slowly retracting back into her skin, and her claws shrinking and becoming normal human nails again, she whirled around and stared at one side of the room, the large glass window mirroring her reflection.

Thirteen stared into the mirror, and staring back at her was a girl with strange golden eyes and golden-brown hair. She grumbled softly, and a loud voice suddenly echoed on the speaker.

"Experiment 013, test #18, negative, no further change in stats." Thirteen flinched back, she could see Dr. Brenner's disapproving face through the window.

Four guards entered the room, making their way slowly over to her, one stopped to drag the collapsed guard out while the others advanced on her, one grabbing her arm and another nudging her along, telling her to move forward.

As she followed the guards out of the room she caught sight of Dr. Brenner, his expression now emotionless as he gave her a blank glance before turning away and walking down the corridors with two guards at his side.

The three guards escorting her lead her to the end of the hallway where the familiar line of 'prison cell' like rooms were.

The rooms were made out of a certain type of steel, made to block out their powers in case they tried to escape. On the sides of each cell there were bars which allowed you to see into the cell next to yours.

Without thought the guards shoved her into the nearest one and shut the door with a loud slam. "Be ready for your next test in 20 minutes." They snapped then turned and left her to her thoughts.

"Oof." Fourteen said, leaning against the bars, "I don't know how I could stand all those tests." Thirteen let out a small growl of annoyance and whipped her head to her right, where Fourteen was, but his dirty blonde hair seemed messed up which was usual for he had a very clean manner.

"So, you actually had a test today?" She said heading to the back of the cell and plopping down onto the cold steel. He flushed and looked away, embarrassment swirling in his blue eyes, "Yeah, I hit a wall."

Fourteen shook his head and cast a small glare at her, "You say actually like you're surprised." She replied shortly "I am, Papa doesn't find you useful, so why would he run tests on you."

He didn't look angry at all, and that internally annoyed Thirteen, mostly the fact that he was getting used to her crude 'humor'.

Fourteen glanced at the door, "Have you realized that Papa has been spending a lot of time on the other side of the lab recently?" Thirteen seemed to be barely listening to him but responded anyway, "Maybe he contacted someone who actually wanted you. He is calling them to ship you off to someplace else so you could be someone else's problem. If I had, I would be spending time calling them."

Fourteen glanced over at her, "Haha, very funny, but I'm serious." He said, not taking his gaze from the door, "Seriously?! Who is this person sitting next to me?" Thirteen remarked, smirking slightly.

Thirteen then stopped, actually thinking about Fourteen's question, she has realized that Brenner has been spending less time overlooking their tests and spending more time away from them, almost as if they were testing on someone else.

She seemed to be in that thought process until a loud bang echoed as a guard knocked on the cell door. "Next test in 5." He rasped.

Thirteen glanced at Fourteen who smiled and waved, before she got to her feet and opened the door to her cell, letting the guard grab her.

Some part of her made her tug away from him a few times as she was led to the testing room. But she didn't resist as he threw her into the room, and shut the door with a clang that echoed through the entire building, leaving her in darkness.

Back to the Lab ( Stranger things fanfiction )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن