Anger Issues

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                                                  ( Written by ShyWits )

                                                     001 ( Jasons ) POV

Jason waited, very patiently but after an hour of waiting he got frustrated. "HEY! WHERE IS SHE!?" He yelled to one of the guards who rudely responded "Wouldn't you like to know?" then turned away.

This infuriated Jason and he grabbed the back of the guards shirt pulling him against the bars of the cage. Moving his other hand through the bars he grabbed the guards throat, choking him. The guard tried to break free from Jason's deadly grasp but the coughing and choking guard tried with no success.

Another guard saw the commotion and called for backup as he reached for the button that activated a shock collar. The guard pushed it causing Jason to let go of the guard in his grasps and fall back slouching over in pain. Then the guard turned it off helping the other guard up, who immediately grabbed the keys to the cage and a whip.

The guard Jason was choking was now inside the cage radio in one hand and whip in the other pure fury burning in his eyes as he let the whip unravel. He raised the hand with the whip in it ready to strike Jason but before he could his hand was grabbed. " Now, now, I do not want any of the test severely harmed unless it's a punishment for failing" Jason looked up to see Dr. Janson holding the guard still raised hand preventing him from whipping Jason.

"I-im sorry sir" The guard stuttered. "Damn right you are, your shift is over, go take a break." He snapped and the guard obeyed and walked out of the room. Then Dr. Janson turned back to him, giving a smile not a cold one but a warm smile.

Dr. Janson was Charlie's favorite doctor and Jason could see why now.

Dr. Janson had to be the kindest of all of them. He was very kind to them and even called us by the names we gave each other sometimes instead of test 001.

"Jason? Would you mind? Could you come with me? I want us to work on something." Dr. Janson asked in a low tone. "Uhm sure?" Jason replied unsure. Soon Jason was following Dr. Janson into a dark room. Dr. Janson flipped a switch on the wall and the lights flickered on. Jason looked around and there was a room next to theirs and inside was Charlie. Jason rushed over to the window.

"She can't see you, the glass is one sided. But Jason that's not what I brought you here for." Jason whipped around. "Why is she in there shouldn't she be back in our cell!?" Jason's temper was rising but Dr. Janson stayed calm. "This is what I wanted to work on with you." He said in a deep but quiet voice. "Work with me on what?" Jason snapped back. "Your anger issues." Dr. Janson replied. This infuriated Jason.

"I DON'T HAVE ANGER ISSUES!" Jason yelled so loud that even Charlie looked over in their direction. Jason noticed her and blushed before turning away. I guess even though she can't see them she can definitely hear if they are loud enough.

"Okay so what are you going to do to help me huh?" Jason snarled. "Well i'm going to let her in here." Dr. Jason replied. "Charlie?" Jason questioned. "Yes Charlie." He replied. Damn what is he planning on doing and why is he bringing her in here.

Dr. Janson went over to the comms and pushed a button. "Bring in 012 for testing." It rang out on the loudspeaker. As the guards went in Jason could hear her say " B-but I already tested for today a-and I-I- OW! That hurt!" As they dragged her out of the room and into ours. She mumbled something Jason guessed was a curse but shook it off and dashed towards her.

Guessing she wasn't expecting it because she squealed and vanished right in front of him. Jason not only hurt but confused turned around to Dr. Janson who said "Charlie you can come out it was just Jason." And at that Charlie reappeared hugging Jason "I-im sorry I thought you were someone else." Jason looked down upon his smaller friend and smiled. "It's okay but who did you think I was?" Jason now questioned her. In response she let go of him and backed up. "Well?" Jason pressed on.

"I thought you were..." She trailed off mumbling the rest. "Hmm? So you gonna tell me?" His voice became stern and cruel. "Jason that's-" Dr. Janson tried to cut in but was interrupted by Jason questioning her again. "Tell me now." His voice was dark and stung Charlie.

Dr. Janson tried to cut in again but was stopped with a glare from Jason. "Why won't you tell me?" His voice cut through the air. "Charlie?" Charlie looked up at him "B-because.." Jason waited for her to finish. "B-because yo-your scaring me a-and I don't w-want you to hurt them..." She finished in a quiet voice. "Why would I hurt them now?" Jason's anger started to rise.

"B-because..." Dr. Janson had taken a few steps back. He knows something that she is about to say will piss me off. "B-because they h-" She choked on her words " H-hurt m-me." She finished falling to the floor not even daring to look at him.

Dr. Janson cut in again in a desperate attempt to calm him. "Jason don't. This is what I brought you here for to control your anger!" Jason glanced at him and he was reaching for the shock button fear in his eyes then he looked down at Charlie. Am I that scary? Jason calmed down and he felt sad that he hurt Charlie.

"I won't hurt them okay?" Jason said slowly. Dr. Janson looked shocked and confused while Charlie still wouldn't look at him. "Im sorry if I scared you I-i..." Jason couldn't finish. He was just too upset that he scared Charlie. "Can I go back to the cell?" Jason asked. Dr. Janson got to his feet and nodded "Good work today." And soon they walked out of the room leaving Charlie inside.

What Jason didn't notice was Charlie slipped out and walked down the hall opposite of them. She was free.

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