In The Dark

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                                                        ( Written by ShyWits )

                                                           1986, Twelves POV

                                                                3 years later

Twelve awoke. Her eyes opened then closed due to the brightness of the light. It took awhile for her eyes to adjust from the night of darkness but eventually she got used to the once blinding light.

Her friend 001 or, Jason as she called him, soon sat up as well. As quick as he was asleep he was awake and on his feet he came over to her and helped her up. She never knew why but they weren't in separate cells like the others. Which was strange but she had gotten used to it.

The door to their barren cell was soon opened as a guard placed two bowls of cereal on the floor. As soon as Jason picked it up he called to the guard "Hey! No milk?" But the guard didn't respond and walked away.

Jason sat down with his dry bowl of cereal and mumbled something under his breath which was probably an insult of some kind.

She stood there for a while recalling the dream she had. Lost deep in thought wondering what it her dream ment. Jason soon broke her out of it when he said "Hey Charlie you going to eat?" Charlie was what he called her.

"Yea, sorry I was just thinking." She replied. "Was it another one of those weird water dreams?" He asked "Yea but this time I saw someone." She said. Jason sat up as if suddenly interested. "She looked like she was from here but I couldn't hear anything but I could see her screaming and crying. She looked young like 11 years old or something." She added.

" Huh." He replied. "I don't know of any 11 year olds around here." He then took a bite of his cereal. "Hey let's not think about it now why don't you eat." She smiled then walked over to grab her bowl.

As soon as she had finished eating, a guard came and slammed his gun on the steel cage. The noise echoed bugging Charlie's ears. When it stopped the guard said "Test time 012." As he said that Jason let out a low growl. He disliked her leaving. Why?

She shook it off and left with the guard who took her on a long journey to her test room. When she got there the guard put her in the room then left quickly like some kind of child sprinting up the stairs from the "Monsters" which concerned her a bit.

After he left the room the door slammed shut behind him and the once bright room was dark. She was now really worried not of the dark but what they may put in the dark was what really worried her.

After a good 20 seconds of standing there in the pitch black. A voice on the speaker rang out "Welcome 012 to test #27. This test will be about fear and strength. For the first part of the test we will put different things in the room with you to see how you react even if you can see it. For the second we will have you fight, winner gets to leave, loser stays here for 2 days no food no water. So let's begin." The voice comm clicked off.

For a few seconds she stood there listening straining her eyes to try and catch any light. Then she heard a thump and what sounded like scales moving along the steel floor then a low hiss immediately she knew what it was. It was a snake and it was big.

She didn't know how to react but she stood very still in fear. She then felt the heavy weight of the snake as it slither onto her foot then back into the darkness. She didn't know what to do and she started to breath faster. When in doubt, bug out. She thought before shrinking into a little fly and moving to one of the upper corners of the room.

Then the lights came on and she could see the snake. It wasn't just big, that thing was massive. Hell, it could probably swallow her whole even in human form. Where did they get a snake THAT big. She wondered.

The voice on the speaker rang out again "012 you can come out now." She didn't come out right away but as soon as the snake was gone she flew to the center of the room and grew back into a human.

"Experiment 012, test #27 part #1 Fail. We will try again another day but it's time for part two of your test." She remembered what he said on the loudspeaker. What did he mean by a fight? She wondered. Then Thirteen was thrown into the room. And then it hit her. Wait am i going to fight HER!? Thirteen turned to face her. She looked confused at first then she gave a toothy smile then mumbled "Heh, this will be easy." Charlie's eyes widened with fear and she took a step back. Oh shit.

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