Mr. Pines

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*the art above along with a lot of art in this fic unless stated other wise is old art

It was a bright sunny day, the sky was as blue as it could be, and the beautiful pine trees
looked particularly grand today. For most people, today would be a good day, but today was the day Dipper and Mabel left Gravity Falls, something the twins had been dreading ever since they started really enjoying their stay.

But after 12 hours of being in a bus, they were just glad to get off of it. And the moment they say their parents, well I guess the twins forgot how much they'd missed them.

"Hey Mason! Where'd you get that hat?" The twin's father, Mr. Pines, said to Dipper while he was helping him get his bags inside while the girls were gone inside

"I swapped mine with a friend so we could remember each other" Dipper stated, not mentioning which friend he got it from

"It's good to remember a friend Mason, but you shouldn't give away the stuff we give you"

"Sorry Dad, hopefully we'll see each other again next year to swap back"

"Well that's even if you come back! That town's a real work of the devil I tell you, Mabel never truly seemed to believe in that fantasy schmuck until now, and I believe something is going on there!" Mr. Pines said with anger

"Mabel volunteered as a tour guide sometimes so she got really good at making it seem like fantasy stuff was real and her acting skills got better, which you and mom wanted, right?" Dipper answered, doing his best to also be a good actor, being surprisingly good at it

"Hmm, you're right. Me and your mother did want Mabel to get good at acting so then she could focus on a less messy creative outlet. Glad to see she's been working on that... and have you done what we asked of you, Mason" Mr. Pines said in agreement

"And what's that?" Dipper asked, as he'd forgotten

"To stop believing in the supernatural, your intelligence belongs somewhere else, I hope to God that you haven't been looking for demons and ghosts while in Oregon have you?"

Dipper gulped, "No Dad, been too busy making friends and working to chase anything"

"Good, you better not be lying Mason, now go inside, leave your stuff here." his father said, knowing 'Mason' had lied and knowing he was getting punished for that later

Dipper went inside, only to find Mabel sad on the couch, on the verge of tears

"What's wrong Mabel?" Dipper asked, worried that it had to do with Waddles

"Mom said that Mittens died while we were gone!" Mabel cried, mourning the loss of the family's cat

Dipper was very sad about this as well so he just sat down and rubbed circles in her back

"Hey Mabel, I know you're really sad about this so if you want, we could go on a shopping spree at the mall if that helps" their Mom said as she came in the living room

"Okay" Mabel responded, looking at least a little better

"I'll just get my wallet and we'll go, m'kay?"


The two girls shortly left soon after and that left Dipper and his Father alone in the house

"Mason, come upstairs" Mr. Pines said, taking of his bright sweater, revealing his much more formal attire, "I have something to show you"

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