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        You and Kuroo are walking in the hallways and finally stop as you reach your class. You look up at him and he could tell you were anxious about entering. Kuroo tries to enter first and you grab his arm.

Y/N: "Wait, not yet...."

Kuroo: "Come on, we'll be fine."

Kuroo opens the door and now you have no choice but to enter. You peek into the class, hiding behind him.

Teacher: "Where were you guys? You are late.. 20 minutes late to be exact."

Kuroo: "We were unsure of whether or not we could leave the classroom, due to us being unsupervised during detention."

You nod your head, agreeing with him, despite knowing he's lying. You've always been amused with Kuroo's ability to come up with a lie and how confident he is when he says it.

Teacher: "Just hurry up and come sit down.."

As Kuroo enters, you follow behind, already anxious due to the attention that was drawn to the both of you. You spot Kenma, sitting by himself. As you and Kuroo sit down next to him, he looks up from his phone and sighs.

Kenma: "I hope you guys know the class period is about to end."

Y/N: "Good. I need to get out of here."

Kenma: "What were y'all even doing? Detention couldn't have lasted that long."

You look over at Kuroo, expecting him to come up with something. He laughs and looks at Kenma. Kenma then notices the bite mark on Kuroo's neck. You notice his surprised expression and start to feel confused.

Y/N: "What?" You say looking at Kenma.

You turn to Kuroo to see what Kenma was looking at. Kuroo looked just as confused as you as he saw Kenma's surprised yet disgusted expression. Kenma then turns to you and sighs.

Kenma: "Hopefully the whole class didn't notice that bite mark."

Now Kuroo is the one with a surprised expression and he looks at you. You look at his neck, only to see the bite mark that you had left. You gasp, slapping your mouth. Kuroo chuckles and grins.

Y/N: "Cover that up.." you whisper

Kuroo: "I'll let you answer when someone asks where it came from."

You roll your eyes and look away. Kenma rolls his eyes as well and goes back to his phone. You, Kuroo, and Kenma continue with your regular classes through out the day. You had trouble focusing because you were constantly daydreaming about what you two had done earlier. As you're daydreaming in your last class, you suddenly hear the bell ring. You sigh in relief and get up, gathering your things so you can leave.

You walk over to Kenma who's already waiting for you and Kuroo at the door. Kenma then pulls you aside, startling you.

Kenma: "When did you give him that?-"

Y/N: "Give who, what?"

Kenma: "Give Kuroo that h-"

Y/N: "SHUSH! I remember now......"

Kenma was your best friend who you usually told everything, despite him not caring most of the time.

Y/N: "That's from.. today."

Kenma: "Don't tell me you two... did it in the school..."

You stay silent and look down, confirming his assumption. Kenma shakes his head in disappointment and sighs. He then says under his breath

Kenma: "I swear 2 horny people don't mix."

That catches you by surprise, causing you to blush in embarrassment. You look up to see Kuroo walking towards the 2 of you. You start walking towards the exit and leave with Kenma and Kuroo. Kuroo notices that you're looking down as you're walking and that you're very silent. He looks at you, and then to Kenma.

Kuroo: "She told you, didn't she?..."

Kenma looks up from his phone and nods. Kuroo looks back down at you.

Kuroo: "And you're either horny again or didn't like what Kenma said."

You gasp in shock and punch Kuroo's arm. He laughs and continues walking.

Kuroo: "So I'm assuming I was correct."

Y/N: "No.. you weren't."

You cross your arms and look away as you're walking. Kuroo puts your his arm around you, making you blush. The 3 of you make your way to Kenma's house and you spend the rest of the afternoon, relaxing from this tiring yet embarrassing day.

Detention: A Kuroo Tetsurou X Reader NSFW FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя