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"Love is like a joke, sometimes it's fun but sometimes it hurts". -Unknown

Not all of us are blessed to experience mutual feelings with the person we adore. So if the person you love, loves you back then consider yourself truly blessed. A thought she believes after her first and only heartbreak. Even though her first love didn't end well as she imagined and wished for, she still remains hopeful that she will also get her happily ever after. Yup! She considers herself a hopeless romantic, she is certain that time will come the right prince will save her from the pain she is currently in. That person is Shen Yue, a first year college student in Mingde University from the Engineering department.

That person who inflicted her with unimaginable heart pain is no other than the famous and heartthrob of Mingde University Dylan Wang. Who wouldn't fall/ like this guy, when he is considered as a whole package with his undeniably good looks, commanding aura, a straight A student who also excels in sports (the captain of their basketball team since their elementary and high school years), and who also came from a very respectable and rich family? Everybody want to have a piece of anything that includes Dylan Wang in it, from friendship, attention and even petty things like his smile, or maybe even his fart and sweat can be bottled and sold and undoubtedly will be gone out within a minute, sounds exaggerated but almost 80% of the female population in their school dreams of having a relationship with him, while 70% of the male population wanted to be associated with him because it makes them feel and looked popular as well even if it is only in their imagination. The rest may not be fond of Dylan, but only those who are envious of him or mad for being unrecognized by the popular figure.

All these girls adore Dylan, but Shen Yue believes that their "adoration/infatuation" is nothing compared to what she is feeling for this guy. She knows him since time immemorial. Her feelings for him doesn't happen in just a day, weeks or in a month, it keeps on growing and enveloping her tiny frame in every possible way. They both study in the same school from elementary and high school and eventually now in college. She believes that they are meant for each other because she thought there is no way that they will both study in Mingde since it is very far from the hometown they came from.

Time finally came when Yue decided to confess her love for Dylan. She's tired of just giving him glances, smiling when they walked pass each other, leaving cookies which she baked and decorated thoroughly and leave on his desk and secretly leaving personalized letters with just her initials inside his locker. She's so fed up being on the background and just loving him from a distance. This love that she's feeling needs to be shown and felt by him because if not, she might go crazy or just literally explode like her old phone that she forgot to remove from charging. But unfortunately for her, hers is an unrequited love, unmutual feelings. This feeling sucks because just when you thought that confessing your love will save you from your own destruction, just leads you in a hole full of thorns that it will take ample of time and effort to remove each thorns and wait for it to heal and somehow, someday those wounds he inflicted will just become scars, they are there but doesn't hurt anymore.

As for Dylan, he knew he made the right choice of rejecting again one of those fan girls that kept on pestering him. She is not even his type, actually far from his ideal type, so why do he have to be guilty of telling her directly that "them" cannot and will never gonna happen, even his friends were surprised on how nasty he treated that girl as if they are friends with her especially Kuan. They told him that he should have been a little nicer. But what for? She actually needs to wake up same with the others. Confessing and hoping that he will give a fuck. They wish! Actually he knew that she's the one who keeps on sending him those cookies because he saw her once sneaking and left those scrumptious cookies on his table. He admit that they taste so good but still he just don't like her or just don't care at all. She even had the nerve to follow him here in Mingde. What a stalker! It is a relief that another stalker was out and tomorrow he is pretty sure that everything will stay the same, same him, same routine, and ofcourse same feelings.

Or that's just what he thought because he never expected what is in store for him and the consequences of his previous actions. Because the tiny girl he rejected a few days ago started avoiding him and by the looks of it already moved on since she is laughing and talking animatedly with a guy, surprisingly irritates the hell out of him.


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