:5: The Second Floor

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:5: The Second Floor

Maya's POV

Josh pulled out the front of a small-ish house about 5 minutes away from the park. The drive had been terrible, with Josh and Lucas muttering murderously about each other under their breath, me sitting in awkward silence and stupid Tinkerbell refusing to stop barking.

Josh got out of the car and hurried to my door, which he opened with a flourish. Lucas reached over me and pulled it shut again. He rolled down the window.

"I'm her boyfriend, so I should open the door," he snapped.

"She's my guest, so I should open the door," Josh replied, glaring at him.

"Or," I said quickly. "I could just open it myself."

I did so, to avoid any more arguments.

But apparently Josh and Lucas weren't done with each other yet. We walked up the path to the door with them bickering. I heard a small bark by my feet. I looked down at Tinkerbell then picked her up.

"At least we're not arguing," I said to her. "You know, you're actually not that ba-"

She interrupted me by barking louder than ever.

"Never mind."

Josh unlocked the door and we stepped inside. Josh had a nice place, despite the fact that it was very small.

"So, how'd you get your own place?" I spoke up.

"Mom and Dad bought it for me. I guess they just wanted to get me out of the house. Morgan was pissed off when she found out, they made her save up for her own place. She actually refused to speak to anyone in our family for 2 months."

"Wouldn't you be in university this year?" I asked.

"Didn't you get in?" Lucas sneered.

Josh ignored him. "I would be, but I decided to take a little time off schooling. I'll start in a year or two."

"And, one more question, why have you got Tinkerbell?"

"Morgan's away on a business trip. She pretty much looks after me, always making me food and stuff. I thought taking care of Tinkerbell was the least I could do. Now, I'll show you guys where you can sleep."

We headed up the stairs and stopped in front if the first door on the second floor. Josh opened it.

"Maya can sleep in my room," he indicted inside.

I frowned. "With you?"

"Only if you want me to," Josh smirked. Lucas looked about ready to punch him in the face.

"No!" I blurted, keen to avoid another argument.

"Well then I won't. I literally have 3 spare bedrooms," Josh informed us.

"So, I'll just sleep in here with Maya then," Lucas said, as he took a step towards the doorway.

"No," Josh said coldly, stepping in front of him.

"Why not? She's my girlfriend."

"Because I wasn't born yesterday, you idiot," Josh snapped.

"Well, where will I sleep then?" Lucas asked, glaring at Josh.

"At the other end of the hallway. I'll sleep in the middle. And I'm a very, very, very light sleeper, so don't go sneaking into her room in the middle of the night," Josh said. The two were right in each others faces now, full on glaring at each other. It was almost like I was invisible.

While the two continued their argument, a thought struck me. If he was a light sleeper, how did he have Tinkerbell staying with him and still get enough sleep? Did he lock her outside during the night or what? I continued to ponder that as Lucas and Josh's volume reached yelling.


So you guys, I have something to tell you. Because this book will be finishing kinda soonish (it'll be a lot shorter than TOTW) I'm going to start another fanfic kinda soon.

The fanfics will probably be similar to the two I was writing a little while ago (that I deleted because updating 3 fanfics got hectic). So, would you prefer a Joshaya fanfic or a Brabrina fanfic? Please let me know!!

Question time!

Why do you think Josh and Lucas don't like each other?

Xoxo, stay fabulous!

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