Chapter 1: The Clerk

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The Clerk

Dried splatters of blood disintegrated into the chilled bath.

She relaxed, attempting to drawing out the day's gruesome memories and distressed voices in her head.

The echoing screams and sounds of her blade piercing the flesh of her victims rang her ears. Her head twitched while it rested on the edge of the iron tub. The images... she didn't do well releasing them from her mind.

Seda's eyes popped open, she grunted and glanced around—briefly disoriented. Her mind was blank again and she welcomed it gladly.

The cloth dragged along her limbs, cleaning the filth that clung to her skin. Baths were refreshing. Perhaps, they were the best part of a day for Seda. She disliked filth.

Three gentle knocks rang out. It was the clerk, she sensed him, and smelled the food waiting behind the door.

Excitement pooled in her belly though she didn't show the emotion on her face. "Come in," she beckoned sweetly.

Fully nude, she exited the bath waiting for him to come in. He did so shyly, gasping once he noticed her nakedness, shielding his eyes.

"What have you brought me?"

"Roasted meat and vegetables." Erald uncovered the plate of food. It smelled delightful but Seda turned her nose up in disgust as she looked upon the plate.

Seda picked up a chunk of the meat, inhaling its scent before tossing it back with disappointment. The clerk was confused.

"It's fully cooked," she cringed. "I like my meat rare."

Goosebumps sprouted on his skin when he caught a glimpse of the sharp teeth and ill-intended glint in her eyes.

The clerk gulped, unsure if the lady wanted to harm him or do something...else.

"I'm sorry, I can prepare it over if you would prefer."

"No need," Seda smirked lightly. "You will do."

It was ready to be fed.

Before he could question her words, the clerk was snatched into her inescapable grip. Like a mouse to a trap. The proximity of her nude body and attractive features casted a daze onto the poor young fellow. Thick clouds of lust filled the room.

"Mighty handsome thing you are," she purred with her lips brushing his ear. "I just want to eat you all up."

He could only grunt as his eyes hooded, drool spilling from his lip while he grew excited looking upon her.

Seda's palm traveled down to his abdomen teasingly. She brushed her lips over his parted ones.

"Do you want to play with me?" He could only manage to grunt a response.

"That means yes," she grinned.

Seda licked her teeth before pushing the clerk on the bed and ripping his clothes away. Heat pooled between her legs and her mouth salivated.

"Oh, look at that, you're all ready for me," she taunted and climbed onto him.

He grunted as Seda lightly moaned, pleasure filling her. Her sharp nails trailed along while she kissed from his lips to his chest. She made sure to have her fun—make the clerk's last night his best.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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