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Rebecca yanked the sonogram photos from her best friends hand and stared down at them, Ashley watched her contemplating her next move, her next sentence, how she was going to dispute what she had just said.

"Either you tell Colby or I will" Ashley warned and their eyes met

"You wouldn't dare" Rebecca snapped and the blonde saw the anger in her eyes

"I'm giving you the choice" Ashley shrugged "because he deserves to know"

"How do you even know for sure that the baby is even his to begin with? If you tell him and its not then you're just starting even more drama than there already is"

"Because idiot, you and Luke were separated during the halloween party.. you broke up with each other the end of September and didn't get back together until the end of November" Ashley folded her arms across her chest

October 2016...

Halloween 2016 just so happened to fall on a Monday, which meant all superstars had to work that night.. it also meant that the annual company party would be held later in the night at the hotel after the TV taping.

Rebecca and Ashley had attended the party as pirates.. and Colby had seen her when she walked in the door immediately but shook his head, he didn't have enough liquid courage to mention anything yet.. it took three more drinks that his friends were constantly handing him to get up the courage, or the stupidity to go up to her.

She was standing against the bar, next to the taller blonde as they shared a drink and watched their colleagues make fools of themselves. He walked over and effortlessly slipped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest and she looked up at him with those beautiful eyes.

She truly had no idea what kind of hold she had on him, what kind of hold she'd had on him for the last almost two years that they'd been friends, regardless of relationships they were in or not in she was the one constant in his life.

Call it the liquid courage or stupidity but he leaned down and said the only thing his mind could come up with in that moment..

"You look sexy" he slurred and she looked up at him with wide eyes

"Smooth" she nodded "I'm sexy?" She asked and Ashley looked down at her friend and then over to Colby with wide eyes and a shake of her head

"Hey.. Romeo, off limits" Ashley stated motioning him away with her hand

"What? Why?" He asked

"She's in a relationship.. duh" Ashley said

"She can speak for herself" he slurred and looked down at the redhead

"I'm in a relationship.. kind of" she said with a shrug

"You don't sound too sure of that"

"It's complicated"

"Its either working or its not, they stupid it's complicated saying is just a Facebook status"

"We're working on it" she nodded and he removed his arm

"Alright, fine" he nodded "I can respect that" he said and he saw the blonde roll her eyes "Will you at least let me buy you a drink? As your friend, so you don't have to keep sharing with blondie over there" he pointed to Ashley who flipped him off

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