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Chapter 1:
My black suite and blue tie along with my trousers are shredded to pieces I observe in the only lit up mirror in the pitch black room.
Where am I and how am I alive? I ask myself as I limp over to the out up mirror which further revealed my scorched blonde hair making me almost hold along with the huge gaping hole in my chest near my heart.
I touch at it feeling the inside as I reflect on the events earlier.
The plane was flying smoothly until it simply stopped and plunged itself into the side of a mountain, I remember seeing my peers fall into the nearby sea and hearing them scream before they took their last breath of air before submerging to a slow and watery death.
I however got flung out, nearly caught a seat belt but something sharp pierced my fast panicked having heart and I just dazed out as I flashbacked to my argument with my wife.
The last thing I said to her before I left was how she was a whore after I found out about her seeing her ex.
Was I wrong, is this my hell, my eternity in darkness?
Suddenly, the mirror opened outwards like a door making me call on my back as I put up my hands over my face like a child.
"Mister Timewell, glad you survived the experience." A cold monotone female like voice said , I looked up in horror to see a silver sphere shaped machine with various needles and other scientific and medical attached to each crooked bent arm which reminded me of how a spider walked.
Even thinking of them made me shiver despite the massive hole in my chest.
The machine approaches me slowly as two arms unfolded, each with a needle with a golden liquid inside moving like it had a conscious of its own.
I scream out, screeching it stayed back till suddenly a loud blast echoes the room.
A group of black clothed individuals armed with guns then lunged at me and dragged me out as they screamed into their phones, "he has come Lord Dragaar" .
Chapter 2:
I look out towards the fiery inferno of the city been shown to me via the screen of our city's most advanced drone.
My drone, I can't help but smile at the burning civilians and temples as my fire devours them.
There was no room for blind old men telling tales of almighty imaginary friends only progress and that only happened two ways.
Power and science.
"We have him Lord Dragaar" my cinema screen used for my pc boomed.
A small chuckle escapes me for a few seconds, now I had the old fools messiah and he will be mine.
"Bring him here" I shout to the pathetic any of a being that follows my orders and worships my ass like the old sun god.
Out of the shadows, a red hooded figure crept out with a good plate covered by a concealing lid and bowed to me as they offered me it.
Oh how I love power, the money that got me every bitch, slut and man doing as I say whilst they commit my foul deeds to create my perfect world and soon, all trace of religion will be destroyed whilst science gives me the only answer in their research. My answer, the right answer.
I fear the lid of the plate and grin widely as I pick up the head of Miss Farday, her research and findings would have out my plans in danger but now she is silent. She could've taken the money but the young blue eyed, ginger haired , glasses wearing white bitch didn't.
What a shame, she had a nice ass I could've used.
I tip the assassin my reward and they scattered back to the shadow like a spider across a dark kitchen floor.
Then my good statue's eyes opened up with green lights illuminating the room.
Now, I had business to take care of.

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