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Chapter 6:5 years later....
The cold thick mist envelopes all of the streets tonight even engulfing the fantastical Victorian gothic inspired buildings.
I sit quietly in my seat with a cup of warm not chocolate near a roaring fire which as it dances in the  dark candlelit cafe, brings back memories of a simpler time as a child on Christmas eve singing carols with my brother whilst our father went out to cut down a tree for the house and fire.
Then they arrive, a cloaked figure in white who I assumed was the one who sent letters of curiosity to me,claiming to also be from the Larkside Sunday Paper and wanted to talk about the "other world".
The figure was muscular built with a limping walk as they staggered over to me, they nearly collapsed next to me in the chair, panting out of breath.
" Mr Tim right? " the figure asked me in an elderly Scottish accent belonging to a man as they warmed their hands at the fire.
I nodded my head as I placed my remaining cup of hot chocolate in his hands, it does get really chilly in the city of Carlsholg during the Summer which I must admit I was still adapting to.
The stranger never removed their cloak or good as he asked General questions and wrote down notes with incredible speed but then he paused for a while.
"Something wrong?" I asked nervously as I looked over for any assassin or soldier , apparently my undying burden of life was valuable.
"So you ever miss your wife or are you still busy with your playthings" the stranger smirked as he looked across in the direction of the silver peacock sex bar .
A cold sense of dread came over me and before I could bolt, the stranger pinned me down by my arm and then whispered, "do you believe man is civilised or a beast? Do you believe by overthrowing a tyrant, that evil no longer  exists?"
Then the stranger unhanded me and pointed to a carriage waiting outside, "do you want to know what makes humans perform acts of atrocity but sleep at night?"
I nodded my head with great fascination towards this fellow man's questions and as I sensed no danger which I've become good at, I calmly got into the gold carriage and thus my travel for these answers began.
Chapter 7:
We first arrived at a lush green woodland covered in thick snow,for hours we just marched through mud and snow till eventually we passed by two enormous statues.
One was a long haired woman made of white and black marble whilst the other was that of...
It was a statue of the old god depicted with the holy book, long beard and glasses of wisdom but then who was the figure next to him?
"That is the Goddess, before there were two deities till the religion split into factions, even had a civil war and destroyed all worshippers and evidence of the first religion except this, why? Because it no longer made sense and people like things simple." The stranger then got into a prayer position before the two statues and spoke in a strange language.
The stranger then got up, placed his hand in mine and led us into a hidden tunnel covered in planks of wood.
He tore violently at them till they broke apart and then led us down into the tunnel which was lit by an eerie ultraviolet light till we reached a large open space with blood stained metallic tables, skeletal remains and various equipment.
"What is this?" I asked in revulsion as I pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it to my face.
"After the nomadic group of scientists were made outcasts, they lost all morals and kidnapped people like children,drunks and anyone vulnerable or stupid enough they could get, then they would examine them to look inside, to understand but then they started going further and tried playing with the elements of nature in unethical manners" he said equally disgusted with a bit of personal hatred in his voice .
"When the scientists got tired, they left and in came prostitutes and murderers staining this once sacred place with the filth of humanity, the secret desires we hide behind closed doors like you when you cheated on your wife or drugged and raped that girl." The stranger said with a judgemental disgust as he turned round to me .
He then picked up a rusted blade and pressed it to my hand outstretched towards their chest.
"Why did you never look back?,why did you forget her and your child,if you never came here,would you be home or find a new one Tim Gray"
To my utter surprise and horror along with a sadistic pleasure,I rushed the blade into his heart but no body fell just an empty white cloak with photographs of my every action every day of my life from drugging that girl in London to now as I "killed him".
I step back confused and roar in anger and frustration like an enraged animal, but then a yelp escapes my mouth as the floors open up to reveal a large collection of television screens depicting everybody's action in every part of the world from drug dealers to the homeless.
" not all of us scientists stop,I kept watching,kept asking. "The strangers voice boomed over a large speaker next to the screens.
" my conclusion is that mankind performs evil and still sleeps because they can, because they don't care about the consequences when no eyes are watching regardless of gender,religion,science or social are my proof.I made you come here, you did nothing to stop the death of a world dictator whose society and economy calls apart as we speak regardless of how evil he was or even find a way home. Without control, morals or boundaries, we are monsters. " the stranger's voice says before static takes over the audio quality.
"Where are you!" I shouted to the empty room watching the cheating, violence and lies we all commit and then justify when we get caught.
No reply comes back but a steel door slams shut casting me in darkness.
"I hoped for better ,I hoped you would want to become better after we have you immortality.sadly you proved me right about humanity itself" short black text in bold font erupts across the screens before one by one they all go blank leaving me in eternal darkness and loneliness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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