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Chapter 3:
All is quiet in the empty streets, the streets that once held festivals to the old god is purged from memory.
It started with the discovery of an asteroid and a group of nomadic people who called themselves scientists whose quest was to find answers just like us.
For a time now passed, there was unity and peace between the town and the scientists in the united search for what we all deeply desire, the answer to our purpose in life.
Then a plague spread among the women reducing our people by the noose of a rope, the scientists tried to help but it was too late and our people too much moved by grief made the scientists become outcasts.
That was our downfall, as soon as that happened the parasite calling themselves a holy messenger took over.
Dragaar just fall, it was a miracle pulling of the fake head. Now I must ensure that the captive dies but how do you kill someone that won't die?
Chapter 4:
The scent of wet paint and dust invades my nostrils whilst my eyes are covered by the darkness of the bag put over my head,I stumble blindly in fear but then....nothing.
The men clad in black have stopped talking about their pay rise and I am left to my own devices in this blinding darkness.
Something made of glass smashes on my right and cold air floods through giving me hope, I dash foolishly as I trip, fall and even crawl across towards the breeze and my chance at freedom out of this madness whatever it may be.
But what will I do, where am I even and how would I go back to a normal life.
I left the only woman I loved, cheated on her and my family despised me.
My thoughts stop in their endless cycle as a gun pokes at my forehead engulfing me in sweat and fear.
"Forgive me,this is not personal my dear man." A firm female voice said in a calmly manner.
" Tim" I reply in my choked dry throat immediately regretting my action.
"Just close your eyes and take this" the stranger says as she presses a cigar into my mouth.
I peer downwards at the area around my mouth but there is not much to see besides the shadow of the woman holding the gun to my head and three shadowy shapes lying flat on the floor.
I close my eyes and inhale deeply accepting my fate, no more running, no more lying, no more excuses.
The tobacco swiftly moves down my lungs making me cough several times making the cigar drop on to the floor burning the strangers foot as they tell out in pain.
"Who goes there!" Demanded a powerful croaking elderly voice making me only back by surprise.
Bang! The gun echoes across the hall not hitting me.
The sound of a body slumping against the wall along with the smashing of plates reaches my ears making me instinctively curl into a ball into myself.
Chapter 5:
The gunfire echoes across and I spy the hooded assassin I hired earlier but before I can grab the antique Victorian phone to call the guards, a cold steel blade presses against my neck.
I look at the mirror in front to see the repulsive mechanical disfigured appearance of my dying wife barely human now after the fire at the last mansion.
A sadistic smile spread across her lips as the statue opened up to reveal a secret door and three white cloaked figures.
They suddenly strip of their disguises to reveal themselves to be my sidechicks, each brandishing a pistol in their hands which are marked by a tattoo of a silver DNA structure which was the crest of my family and represented power in purity.
I lay back calmly and slowly drink from my glass of whisky then smash the glass and throw it at the nearest person and run.
Red then spreads among my shirt, my body suddenly giving up but who shot me I wonder to myself as I pull out the crossbow bolt and look at a black sphere shaped machine with various needles and other menacing torturous equipment attached.
It then shoots a needle into my neck which embedded itself into my soft skin and then blood started pouring out of my eyes and nose like warm wet red tears.

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