The femboy and the alpha male

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Javier is a man who likes to work a lot and is always out for the look for nex employees for the restaurant he runs Wich is part of a big franchise. Javier is commonly known around town for being a generous man and a man of passion for his jobs since he has many. But also he is known for running his restaurant Wich is seen as wierd but many see it as nessecary. Josh and Javier know each other for some time due to they both graduated from highschool together and two nights before they had a bev together just for old time sakes.
"So how's the restaurant coming along?" Josh asks as he sips out of his drink. "Oh it's going great quite actually the costumers are loyal and my employees always bring more in but I am quite short handed. You happen to know anyone who could be a busboy I really need one like on Friday night" Javier answers and asks. Josh starts grinning and smiling and his start giving off the vibe of a lustful evil demon. "Oh I might know a guy but let's say he is kinda shy, but I can convince no worries" josh smiles and picks up his drink to drink out of it. Javier notices the look in his eyes and chuckles while shaking his head. " no way you're telling me that you actually found someone that can bend at your will like that?!" Javier asks. "Nah he doesn't bend to my will he does it cause he likes it" josh answers back. "Oh man, I feel kinda bad for that bastard" javier says as he takes his drink to sip out of it. "But will he really agree to help out?" Javier asks after drinking a sip of his choccy milk. "I mean he'll say no at first but he'll be convinced nevertheless, I have my ways buddy" josh then drinks the rest of his sprite cranberry and stands up and puts money on the counter to pay his drink and javiers and puts down the empty glass. "Well I guess I'll see you on Friday javier with the help you need" "Yeah Just be there before 7 so we can get him in the uniform and give him a rundown of what he will do after that you can leave if you'd like" Javier tells him "Leave? Why would I???" Nick responds and leaves the ihop

It's Friday midday and Nick is trying to chase a thief who just stole his wallet Wich had the rent money on it but the clap of his ass cheeks made it hard for him to sneak up or catch up yo the mugger so eventually he lost the mugger Wich by the way was sent by josh. As Nick was catching his breath and asking him self what will he do without his money josh comes out from the shadows and says "I knew I recognized the claps" Nick looked up and his eyes widen and his heart skipped a beat and he remembered Sunday night and how he woke up in side the Prius naked and with josh naked on top of him. "O-Oh uhm h-hi" nick tried to manage out with out tripping to much on his words. "What happened there buddy?" Josh asked as he put his arm on the wall and facing nick asserting his dominance. As to why he did that I'm not sure if i wanted to asset dominated I would've ate a Kit Kat side ways with out breaking it or bite into ice cream but josh decided to pull a macho move. Nick looked up at him and his knees started shaking after all the guy he was looking at was the guy who had made him feel so good in his whole life. "A-a guy just s-stole my wallet with my r-rent money and now I don't know how to pay the rent tomorrow" nick finally responded after being lost in thought. "Oh I see" josh answered and stood up straight. "Y-yeah, I really needed that money but I don't want to ask you for any favors after all we bearly know each other." Nick responded nervously Josh grinned and said "well I currently don't have much money but I know a way you can earn some money tonight, nothing shady of course" Nick brightened up and quickly responded " yes yes I'll take it I need it" josh then Answered with lustful eyes " good I'll meet you at this address make sure you're there before 7 like at least 15 minutes before so the owner can show you what you're gonna do" Nick takes the address thanks him but before he leaves Josh grabs him by the chin and kisses him and leaves him showing him a dirty smirk. Nick stays there in awe and thirsty wanting more.

It is 6:45 pm and josh and nick are inside javiers restaurant. Josh is seated at a booth at a corner Wich can let you have a good view of the whole restaurant at a corner and Javier is at the back with Nick giving him instructions and giving him the uniform he's gonna use for the night. "So this is the uniform it looks very tight and kinda not modest" Nick tells javier "yeah I know it's the standard and the least revealing one we have but if you don't want to do this then you don't have to" Javier answers back "no it's ok I'll do it plus I need the money" nick responds and starts going to change at a back room that has lockers. "Oh when you put it on don't put on the bottom with your boxers on just without them and also just put the shirt on with nothing under as well" Nick blushed and answered back with an ok and went in to put on the uniform. He comes out from the back rooms with the uniform on. The uniform is his white tennis shoes with knee high socks, booty shorts that would stick to his curves and gave him a wedgy, and a shirt that revealed his midriff Wich showed his belly bouton abdomen and the start of his hips because the shorts only went up to start of his crotch, the shirt had a design that said femboy hooters.

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