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This story begins in high school as most do, Your sitting in your form room on the first day of third year you and your friends are just chatting away. The morning goes pretty quickly you get your time tables and on you go to your go to your first class which was science. The teacher has a seating plan as most teacher do so you get sat next to a guy you never talk to, but next to the guy next to him is a boy you don't think you have ever seen before, science ends and you ask your friends " who is that guy in the corner with the black bag?" they all turn around at once but of course they do they answer "Jack Mills" so you ask  "Is he new I don't think I've seen him before?" "No" they reply.  So months past you don't talk to Jack because he is completely out of your league but he never leaves your mind.

Until one day in food tech you are making pineapple upside down cake there's two people to a oven he comes over to yours you make really awkward small talk but it was funny you finish cooking and your friend who thinks she's a love specialist comes to you and says " I think Jack  likes you" you instantly reply " No he doesn't I'm definitely not his type think of his exes Lucy Rose or Emma Walters I'm nothing like them" and because you never talk about your crushes you say " anyway have you seen him he's not for me" then your friend Katie proceeds to say "his feet were point towards you that is a tell tale sign that some likes you". Just then the bell rang and you have to go to Maths so you don't think about the last lesson.

You slowly  start to notice that yous two keep making eye contact in class and his friends when he is around you do that thing that guys do when one of their friends crushes are near, but you keep thinking to yourself he is the type of guy that if he liked you he'd Snapchat you which obviously he didn't do.

This guy is always on your mind it's almost as if you are in love with him but you don't know what love is you have never been in love.

You two always have really awkward conversations and you don't know why the year goes on and then it's time for summer's break I can get away from him or so you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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