When He Heard her Scream...

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He was crouched beside a flower pot, waiting. When from out of the silence he heard her, her pewny scream. "Aya!" he yelled, then there were the moans of the dead ones that followed.

"Their hurting her!" he hoalerd standing tall and running towards the moans.

At the same time calling out to her.

When he reatched her he saw that she was holdinging no more then a small candle. Waving it back and forth at the monsters.

"Come this way!"

She turned quickly. Sprinting towards where his voice had come from. "Hurry!"

He didnt mean to be rude but the dead ones were nipping at the bright red ribbon that was tied in her midnight hair.

They were so close.

Finally she rounded the corner. He quickly turned his back to her

"Follow me..."

Dios tone was deep and intimadating. "How can I be sure you wont hurt me..."  She stopped in her tracks, the candle pointed at his back. They didnt have time for this!

He turned to her. His open wound a off putting feature. Her hands rasised in self defense. Then he heard her scream again...but this time it was him who had scared her.

He was the monster that had frightened her...

"I said this way!!" He yelled.

Her scream grew, then she turned and ran. He rembered her face. Her eyes had opened so he could see the fear. He could see the pain, the sorrow,  confusion anger but most of all way the fear.

The fear he had caused..

"...Im sorry Aya..." He spoke in a tone that was soft but hopefully loud enough...

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