Hidding away untill she was found

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Aya's POV
When Aya first saw the blond boy she ran...not knowing how to respond to the rotting flesh less than attached to his skin...his apperance so startling. So horrific, yet a part of her brain wanted to know so many things...Why instead of attacking her like the other corpses did he hold out his pale hand...Why when she feared the others did she wish only to be closer to him...what was it about this boy that made her feel almost protected... She ran the halls terrifying facts buildig up....tales of Maria...her father and most of all her mother. Finally she found the one place she could no longer hear the cries of the zombie like beings....the Churches holy walls. She sat....only for a moment to catch her shallow breaths. As her head was bowed she could hear small light footsteps... keeping silent she coiled back under a set of pews. "Miss...?" The voice was farmiliar but she remained silent. She watched as the feet aproched. Stopping right infront of the pews she confided under! No no no! Her mind was racing. Then the figure crouched. It was the boy! She sheilded her eyes. Some how thinking that was the only way to protect herself from him. "Please I wont hurt you...i promised your mother...." Aya uncovered her eyes....the boy had changed...the gaping hole that once frightened her so...was wrapped in a blood splotched bandage. "Please dont be afraid" his voice was so gentel. And as she looked closer at his features she realized that he was quite handsome. He was slim. All fat and muscle probably gone from how ever long he'd been dead. His clothing was soiled clumps of mud and dirt. Rips and tares. But it was his face that drew her. His single golden brown eye glowed. Only making his yellow blond hair stand out more. "Who are you?" Aya spoke in no more than a whisper... slowly pulling herself from the pews so she was sitting up looking into his eye. He smiled shyly "...my names Dio...Im so sorry i scared you earlier. I know im not the best looker" they both shared a chuckle. For the first time all night she smiled...for the first time all night she actually felt safe...and strangest of all it was with a boy who he himself was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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