🥀Stalkers🥀 // Wednsday

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The next morning I got up and changed . I went to school and sat at the water fountain reading a book I personally loved "How To Get Away With Murder"

I felt a presence watching me so I looked at the corner of my eye and slightly see Ayano~Chan starring at me .

When the bell rang , I went to class . I'm pretty smart . Sure I'm no Einstein but I do my best ! In the middle of class , there was this goth girl named Oka . That's all I knew . I didn't really know her last name but she was really edgy and kinda pretty but I didn't care . All of my focus was on the one and only Ayano~Chan ..

But Oka sat down next to me because they trailed classes . When the bell rang I started walking around the school and I see Ayano literally stalking Oka . 'What's she up to this time ?' I thought to myself . Then I see her go up behind Oka and break her neck with a baseball bat . It was kinda hot not gonna lie (teehee)

I just walked off as if nothing happened . As soon as I got to the school gates I see Buto STARRING at my SENPAI ! OHH WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS PISSED ! I walked up to Buto and put a fake smile on for him and said "hey Buto . Would you mind following me really quick"

"Sure what do you need ?" Asked Buto as we walked .

"Oh nothing too important" I say as I lead him into the gardening club .

"Wait here ok ?" He nodded and I left to go grab a shovel and wack him upside the head making him pass out . I dragged him body and buried him .

Ayano POV ~
I was walking around after .. cleaning up a mess I made , I notice Senpai and that martial arts boy Buto . I will admit I was a little pissed .. that is until .. until I seen Senpai knock Buto out with a shovel and BURY HIM ALIVE !

I smiled so hard and tried to contain my laughter until I made it out of sight . 'Was that really who I thought it was ?' I thought trying to get my thoughts together .

Soon I see Senpai walking home and I walk behind them watching from a safe distance making sure they get there ok . After that I returned to my own home and went to bed .

Ok so basically I'm making parts until Friday before they confess if you didn't know . At least one person would die a day . Meaning a rival ! Anyways , I hope you all enjoy my 🥀T R A S H C O N T E N T🥀 BYE MY LITTLE DEMONS AND STAY AWAY FROM 💀C O V I D💀

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