* 0.8 *

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The ** means that there are "adult themes" as I once said, I will not write smut scenes, but I'll write some things that people may see as spicy.

- a m a t e r a s u -

I wake up on Christmas Eve, only to see 5 missed calls from Tendou from around 4 in the morning. I panic slightly, immediately calling him back. He answers, obviously crying, "hi..."

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Can I stay over at your place until we go back? I can't stay here..."

I hear yelling in the background, along with some banging on a door. I immediately run downstairs, "text me your address, I'm coming to get you." I hang up, grabbing the keys to my mom's car. She is sitting in the living room, watching the morning news. She sees the keys and looks concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, we're going to have another visitor."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have a boyfriend... but before you ask more questions, he needs to stay here. I could hear yelling and banging. I'm pretty sure he isn't safe back at home. I knew he had some issues with his parents, but I don't think either is us knew they would do something like this..."

She just pushes me out the door, "oh my god, so get him. Of course, he's welcome here. I'll make some breakfast for you guys when you come back." She kisses my cheek as I walk out the door. I start the car, immediately pulling out the driveway, putting his address in.

I go over the speed limit to get there, not caring that much because the police are never around here. I anxiously tap the wheel at every stop I have to take, trying to get there as fast as I can. When I get there, he's sitting on the front steps, trying to calm himself down.

I get out, grabbing his bags and throwing them in the backseat. He gets into the passenger seat, wiping away his tears with a shaky hand. I pull away from the house, getting out of the neighborhood before I pull over. I just reach over and hug him. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, just know that I'm here no matter what, okay?"

He nods softly into my shoulder, just hugging me tightly.

I rub his back, letting him calm down. Once he pulls away, he wipes his irritated eyes. I brush the hair in his eyes, caressing his cheek. "They didn't hurt you at all, did they?"

He shakes his head, "they would never. They were just yelling at me, telling me I'm the reason they're like this. That they never fought until I came around..."

I just get mad, "no, it's not your fault. It's their fault for being in a relationship that obviously isn't working. They can't blame it on their child."

He just looks down, playing with the bottom of his sweatshirt. I bite my lip softly, feeling bad for him. I start driving back home, driving carefully as to not stress him out more.

We get back to my house fairly quickly, pulling up to my niece and nephew running out to the car. Tendou looks slightly shocked, "are they your siblings?"

I shake my head and laugh softly, "no, I have an older brother. These are his kids Soru and Miu. They're actually twins."

He bends down and smiles, giving them both a piece of candy, "nice to meet you!"

They both hug him, thanking him for the candy, "it's nice to meet you, strawberry!"

He looks taken back for a second but then remembers that he has red hair. He laughs softly, "I guess that name fits pretty well, doesn't it?"

They both giggle and nod, running away with their candy, being happy. I smile and grab his suitcase, locking my mom's car and walking inside with Tendou.

『S.TENDOU』IT STARTED WITH A WHISPERWhere stories live. Discover now