The Sergeant

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My hand gripped the half empty glass in front of me, my dark green eyes watching the toxic liquid swirl from side to side. I never was much of a drinker, but tonight I had made myself an exception and so far I had downed two glasses of whiskey and a glass of wine. A yellowed letter laid next to the glass and the fancily written dark letters showed that my mother had written it herself. 'He found someone Elise...... it all happened so fast.... they're expecting' I had only skimmed the letter, but I didn't need to read it in depth to know what had happened. It wasn't a surprise that he had found someone else, after all I wasn't there. Maybe if I had been I would be the one he married last week, maybe if I had been there I could have been to one to give birth to his child in seven months, but no. I wasn't there and now I was paying for it. 

Shouts and boisterous laughter brought me out of my sadness and I looked around at the swinging party around me. The base had put together a dance to cheer up the under the weather soldiers. We had lost an entire company a week ago against the Nazi's. The company had been resting for the night in the woods just outside of Austria. It was late when the attack happened, no one had time to react. It was especially damaging to the people stationed here in England since that company had been here. Many had lost friends and some family. But luckily this party seemed to bring back the good spirits and I couldn't lie, it was nice to see smiles back on people faces. American and British flags were hung around on banners and confetti littered the ground of the dance floor. 

Speaking of the dance floor, I watched as people danced wildly with their partners not caring if they were on beat or not. Other people stood in groups holding either their own glasses of liquor or cigarettes. 

Raising my arm, I brought the glass to my lips and took a swig. Grimacing at the bitter taste I set the glass back down and placed my elbows on the table top. I rested my head on my hands and let out a deep sigh. 

"You look like a dame that needs a break." A voice called out over the noise, but I paid no mind to it. A lot of guys flirted with the nurses or off base girls that had come for the dance, so there was a very tiny chance that this comment was meant for me. After a few more seconds of no follow up to the comment I had assumed that the man who had spoken it had walked off to the girl he called to, but the sound of a chair scraping across from me said otherwise. 

"And hearing aids apparently." The voice said again, clearer than before. Lifting my head from my hands I was surprised to see a solider around my age sitting in the seat opposite me. He wore his formal uniform as did every solider here, with his bright red hair slicked the side in a style that was common here. His bright blue eyes sparkled in the low lighting of the room. He to held his own glass of liquor, but it seemed untouched. 

"Listen I'm noting looking for some dreamboat to shoot some cheesy lines to me all night. Now, why don't you move on to some other woman for you to swoon." I spat sharply at him. I had met people like him before, women chasers, and at this point I would be satisfied never seeing another man again. 

"Well, lucky for you doll, I'm not here for that." He said with a light chuckle. I raised an eyebrow up and him and leaned back in my chair, arms crossed. 

"Uh huh, sure, well then Ace what are you here for?" I asked sarcastically, hoping he would have gotten the hint and beat it. 

"You looked sad." He murmured before setting his drink down beside mine. I could see his warm blue eyes jumped to the letter, but before he had a further chance to inspect it my hand shot out and snatched it up. I crumbled it up and shoved it into my dress coat pocket. 

"Lose someone?" He asked as he crossed his arms on the table and leaned forwards on them. I scoffed and looked away, turning my gaze to the dancing crowd. 

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