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Wilbur stormed through the castle. Fundy trailed closely behind him, confused.

"What's the problem?" He tried.

"Fucking Tommy again."

Internally, Fundy is far from surprised. Stifling a snicker, he knows Wilbur wouldn't approve of his low expectations of his younger brother.


"Ant saw him in the forest running with that boy from the Empire again. Tubbo, I think his name was?"

Fundy's stomach dipped as he was reminded of the rough relationship L'Manberg had with the Empire. Ever since the war, things weren't the same. Fundy no longer talked to his former friend HBomb, solely because he was born into riches within the Empire and had to stay. He also lost touch with his close friends Eret and his sister Niki, after they had run off with some other citizens and declared independence, following his father's suit from the years prior. Which brought him to the worst part, his betrothal.

Wilbur had made arrangements with King Technoblade of the Empire for Fundy to marry his younger brother, Dream. There wasn't anything inherently wrong with Dream, but Fundy didn't want to marry him, for he had no feelings for him. Nevertheless, it was for the sake of L'Manberg to stay at peace with the Empire.

"Dad, I can't get married... please," Fundy says, caught up with the topic on his mind.

Wilbur sucked in a saddened breath and slowed his long strides.

"I know, but it's the only way. You know that if there were another I'd take it, but there isn't. I'm sorry Fundy, you know I love you and only want the best for you, but putting it simply, it's no longer my choice."

Fundy silently thought about how powerful Technoblade was to render his father so helpless. He was interrupted by Tommy's loud voice shooting towards Wilbur.

"Hey Will-"

"Ant saw you again with that Tubbo boy, Tommy." Wilbur states without hesitation.

Tommy, taken aback, tried to regain his composure with a sullen expression.

"But he's not like them..." Tommy starts without an end.

Wilbur's understanding face cut through Tommy's last strand of stubborn arguing. As he looked down, a slow, small tear ran towards his lip. Wilbur's arms swallowed him in a loose hug.

"Hey, hey, listen. I wish I could let you run and play with him, but we both know what Technoblade would say." Wilbur's gentle voice says.

"I- I'm sorry, it's just that he's the only one who always talks to me and we have fun and, it's just..." Yet again, Tommy is unable to finish his sentence.

Remorsefully, Fundy meets his father's eyes. Could it be his fault Tommy is forced to sneak out to meet with his only friend?

Fundy distracts himself from these thoughts by looking elsewhere. The first thing he sees is the L'Manberg flag that he helped to design. Dissatisfied, he tries again. Next, his eyes land on a Knight across the room. Judging by posture and height, Fundy deduces him to be Purpled, the young guard Tommy and he used to play with.

Fundy's thoughts are again interrupted.

"Oh, Fundy, my messenger has just informed me, the wedding date is out. In one fortnight, they say it will be." Wilbur says dully.

One fortnight? That's unreasonably soon. Fundy thinks.

"That's... really close. Why are we just getting this?"

"Apparently Technoblade's just decided, probably on a whim."

Fundy heaves a sigh.

"Can I go? I need some time to think."

Wilbur nods and gestures to Purpled to escort him. Since a close-call robbery attempt, everyone's been uptight about being unattended.

Steps echo in the empty hallways on his way to his room, without conversation. Purpled was never one to talk much anyway, but after the war, he spoke far less, despite his young age throughout it.

Fundy makes it into his room and thanks Purpled, then practically leaps onto his bed. Grabbing his journal, he begins to write.

The date is March first, and it has been confirmed that my marriage will commence in one fortnight. I truly dislike this and hope someone will change their mind, but it isn't my choice, as usual. Farewell.

Fundy still didn't understand his avid use of formal language, as nobody read his journal except for himself, but such is life. Satisfied with his entry, he replaces the journal at his bedside and lays down to read peacefully, wishing every day to end like this.

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