chapter 4 [Alex's side]

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Alex's pov:

Why would she say those to me, i was just joking, like any brothers would do. But she replied me with a hurtful joke, for her it isn't, for me it is. I walked out and came to the kitchen, i grabbed a pair of toasts and i picked my phone, y/n knows im not fine when i face my screen any minute of my life.

I came upstairs and went to my bedroom, me and y/n always shared a room, until she turned 8, they made her her own bedroom, i can say it's a bit painful (im so so sorry if you feel it so dramatic) but she is my most close sibling. She said those thing to me, i felt hurt it's a bit insulting tho.

I switched on the lights and put my food at the table. I turned on the tv, and paged it to netflix. I got my food and covered myself on my blanket.

5 hours passed, i have watched four movies when a knock comes on my door. I opened it and it was.. Y/N. It was night and i thought she already slept. (And they ate already too. She was crying, it broke my heart to see her like that.

"What happened to you?" I asked worried, she didn't reply but i know she can't collect herself so let her in my room, i was thinking if I'm mad at her, well i was but she's my sister and i loose those words already.

She kept wiping her tears but it always gets out, every time it flows, my heart sinks. I gave her a towel and rushed downstairs to get her a water. I calmed her until she feels well. I asked her again.. this time more careful not to make her cry again..

"Y/n, are ok?" I asked like a whisper, she nodded. I patted her back, making her take a deep breath. I was expecting her to not talk to me but she spoke.
"I-i'm s-sorry, i d-didn't mean to h-hurt your feelings" she said stuttering. I wanted to cry but i can't, I can't build a conversation when i am in pain.

"It's ok, y/n, i didn't mind it at all, and I'm sorry i told you tho-" i was talking when she hugged me, i missed this, her hugs, she hadn't hugged me for a while now, i feel i was getting closer back to her. She meant every thing to me, that is why i stopped schooling, when she was going to kindergarten, i decided to not study yet, i was young then but she was so special to me. I wanted a little sister all my life.

I was going to first grade that time, but y/n is still in kindergarten, i stopped, waited for a year to pass so that if y/n will go in first grade, i will to. Our parents didn't understand me but they let me.

We had been in same classes since child tho. Those memories came back together. I hugged her back, feeling her embrace is the best thing a brother could receive from their sister.

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