Chapter 12 - The Graduation

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I feel a breeze brush past me as mom gives me a hug, tears in her eyes.

"Mom, I'm still gonna be here every morning when I go to college."

She nods, "I know it's just I remember the first day when I took you to elementary school, you were so small."
"Mom please-"

She pulls me in for a hug.


We all sit in the football field, the air is warm and there's a slight smell of sweat coming from the odd hundred other pupils around me. I watch as students' names are called and they go up to the front accepting presents from the teachers. I wait for my turn and hear a "Mollie Hague." Looking to the side I see my mom jump to her feet and whip out a camera, filming my every move. Sadie screams my name as I walk to the front stage. I'm greeted by the headmistress who hands me a scroll and embraces me.

"Well done, Mollie. You've achieved great things - good luck for the future."

"Thank You!" I say, walking back to my seat.

The day was tough after that. People who I'd never spoken to in my life were hugging me and wishing me luck for the future. I was hearing stories of girls going to Paris to do fashion courses, boys heading off to Barcelona to train for sports. It was all overwhelming, I'm staying here. I'm always staying here.

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