・゚: *✧ prologue ✧*:・゚

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"Welcome, welcome! Ladies and gents, this is the great debut..."

The announcer's exultant voice carried all the way from the stage to the waiting performers' ears. Clay shifted his position, concern written across his face as he turned to his friend George.

"George! What if we don't do well, what if we slip up-"

"Clay, calm down. It'll all be okay, don't worry. We can do this."

George smiled at him reassuringly, and he dropped his worried gaze to the polished floor.

The five boys sat in the dressing room, clearly nervous about the stage that patiently awaited them. All felt the icy water of fear freeze their organs, the shake beginning to set into their tense limbs. Except Darryl, of course.

"Hey, don't worry guys. We won't mess up, I'm sure of it. Even if we do, they'll probably understand. After all, this is our first performance."

Somehow, he's able to keep a calm, encouraging demeanour despite the heavy atmosphere. What a saint. The four other members felt uplifted by his kind words, smiles playing on the edges of their lips. The band were all occupying themselves with various tasks, whether it was staring vacantly into space or making small talk with another member. Some were just silently waiting, occupied with thought, hoping to catch the announcement.

"Dream Team! You're up in 5 minutes, be on standby."

Their heads spun to the door as it opened to see a lady with a headset on. As soon as the team all dragged themselves to their feet with varying will they were hurriedly ushered out to take their places on the stage situated next to a large, immaculately decorated wall.

"About time it started," scoffed Nick as they waited anxiously, their fingers twitching in anticipation.

"Now, the moment you have all been waiting for..."

Some sat in their allocated seats, making some last-minute adjustments to their instruments.

"Welcome to the stage, the newest and upcoming band."

The others stayed standing, instrument in hand, pupils lit with a mixture of concern and hope fighting for dominance.

"Please put your hands together for the Dream Team's grand debut!"

With a final bolt of fear that shot through them all the curtains drew back with a soft swoosh of wind, their eyes stinting as the darkness was consumed by bright light, revealing the masses upon masses of people gathered before them. Their audience. Deafening cheers swept through the crowd before them and Clay's throat dried in an instant. It felt like the Sahara Desert in there, yet with a deep breath he reminded himself to keep his composure, especially with all these expectant gazes trained on him.

It's time.

After a silence that felt like an eternity they began to play. 

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