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My hand wrapped around his toned arms and I looked up at him. His perfect facial features, his deep groans, his bulging muscles sent me completely over the edge. His brown eyes, partly covered by his curls, looking straight into mine. He covered my mouth as I-

I jolted awake. I glanced at my phone to check the time: 4:27 A.M. I sighed and my back crashed against my warm bed. I wiped the beads of sweat off of my forehead, breathing heavily. I did not just have a dream about fucking Asher.

I couldn't fall asleep after that. I reached for the bottle of water I always keep on my nightstand, but it wasn't there, and I remembered that I had told myself to clean it last night but I never did. I groaned and slipped out of bed, tiptoeing down the stairs.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I turned the corner to get to the kitchen - there sat Asher, leaning against the counter with his back facing me. His mask wasn't on, but before I could even get a glimpse, he grabbed it off the counter and put it on his face. He must have been scared as well; he jerked around and his eyes widened, but as soon as we made eye contact he sighed, and turned his body completely to face me.

"Hey," I muttered.

No response. I forgot this man doesn't know how to use his vocal chords.

"You know, you can cut the act," I say. "What harm is it going to do if you just speak?"

No response.

I throw my head back and groan. I open the cupboard and grab a glass. I shut it gently and wander over to the refrigerator, and wait in silence as it fills with water.

I look over at Asher, who is staring at me curiously. Fuck, he was hot. If only he wasn't so odd...

I lean casually against the counter next to him, and look at him while I'm drinking water from my cup. The goal was to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. This man wanted to play that card, damn right, I would too.

He raised his eyebrow as I looked at him. He couldn't even do anything about it — they always say to use your voice, or speak up— he couldn't. Well, he didn't.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Wow, that's new. I didn't know you could do that. Good boy! Want a treat?"

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. I was getting mad now.

"What do you want?" I pondered. "Use your words..."


He stood up straight and walked over to the pantry. He retrieved some cereal and started pouring it himself.

I guess our form of communication would be through actions. In this case, he was saying "I'll just do it myself."

He turned to look at me, then back at his cereal. Was he only doing this to annoy me? Because, fuck, it is working.

"God, Asher, you're so fucking boring. Why can't I get a simple 'hello'? How is it so hard to open your mouth and speak? It's like I'm talking to the fucking wall. Why'd you even get this stupid job if you're just going to sit there like an idiot the whole time?" I seethed. "I'd feel a lot better if you just left right now. I won't tell my father. Hell, I'd pay you to leave. And, take that as an insult, because God knows that I would never ask a guy as attractive as you to leave my house."

Asher stood there, cereal in hand. He looked into my eyes and sat the bowl down onto the countertop. Then he started walking towards me. I inched back.

He then pushed his body against mine, pinning my head to the cupboard. He grasped my neck gently, yet forcefully.

I gulped.

He was breathing heavily at this point, and so was I. I knew he felt my hot staggered breaths against his skin, although I could not feel his because of the fucking mask.

My heart fluttered. "Wh-. What are you doing?"

He tilted his head and his eyes pierced into mine. He started looking down towards my body, then pushed my back as he loosened his grip and stepped back.

He sat down on a barstool and shooed me off. He had to take his mask off to eat.

I quickly leaped up the staircase and surged into bed, knowing damn well I would not sleep the rest of the night. What the hell just happened?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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