Part 5-(^人^)- 3/3

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Todorokies pov>

When I and my team got done cooking the fish on the campfire we were about to eat but then we all got a ring on our phones. I was from the group chat and it was from Mina.

problem Chidz

<Mina- GUYS GUYS YOU GUYS NEED TO TO US RIGHT NOW ITS GONNA BE SUPER COOL. Oh yah Tenya go get Aizawa Sensei before you come

<Mina-*sends location*

<Sero- Yah guys Minas right can yall comeover

<Kirishima- Yah could someone bring some food to someone took ours that was so unmanly.

<Denki- The sausages took so long to cook too.~( TロT)σ

I looked up from my phone looking at my teammates who have seemed to already gotten up ready to help their friends. I grabbed my fish and decided I would eat it when we arrive.

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