Damian can do WHAT?!?!??

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Hello just to say I so new at this and not that good so please keep the negative comments to yourself . Also if there these characters change I'm doing are not how the are really just changing to my liking so please no hate. Also might be short 😚
(I don't own any of these characters the are all owned by DC) so sad T-T

Alfred= and immortal god!!!!
Bruce= 41
Jason Todd=  27
Tim Drake= 20
Damian Wayne= 15

    Damian was in the middle of class right now. And it was his least favorite of all history. It not that he hates the subject he hates the class.

Most of the kids in this class make fun of him and the teacher dose nothing.

And I know what you thinking he's Damian Wayne. Yes he is but the kids at Gotham high school the think so lite of him cause well he's little.

So right now he is siting in the back of the class looking at the clock waiting for the school day to end.

-Almost time to go just a few more minutes- Damian thought.
"Ok class this is your homework have an amazing weekend don't forget to turn it in. Also don't forget to charge you computer, laptop, or Chrome-books." Mr. Drury said to the class

The rang right after he said that. Once Damian got out he headed straight for his locker.

Once he got there he started to put his books away but as he was about to finished his locker got closed in his face and he already knew who did it

" what do you want Derick" Damian said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh I think you know what I want" Derick said with a smirk on his face like he had won something.
"Look I don't have any on me ok so could you leave me alone" As Damian finished he was sent flying back

" Do you know who your taking to to terrorist your nothing so what gives you the right to talk to me like that" he say through punch's and kicks.

Once he done he looks at his wok and says in last thing "you should go back to you country you don't belong here"

Once finished his friend Beck said " just go die already" and with that they left Damian there.

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~

Once Damian got to his house ( he walked him ok 👌) as some he got in the manor he went straight to his room not even going to say hi. As he got in the room he throw his back on the side of the bed.

He then went to get his homework out and sat on the desk ready to do it.
~~~~~~~~ Tim skip(again)~~~~~~~

    As soon as he was done Damian looked at the clock it was now 5. Damian the went change and head to the dance studio in the manor.

Once Damian had got up the stairs Jason decided that it would be a good idea to break the silence " did Damien seem weird to you" " yeah he never act like that he would at least say hi to Bruce or even Alfred" Todd add

"Maybe he was tired" Bruce said even though all of them knew it was a lie it made them feel better

" we should give him time" Dick had said the whole family agreed
~~~~time skip~~With Damian ~~~~

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