No way

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Same age as last chapter
It was hot summer day and let me tell you when I mean hot I mean hot the batboys where only in there shorts not even wearing a shirt. That was a different story for on of the boys.
Damian Wayne was the only in wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. All the boys where astonished that Damian hadn't even had a sweat brow running brown his face. It was like he had never felt the clod before. Like this heat to him was like room temperature. " hey boys how about we go to the pool it could be fun and it would cool us down what do you say"Bruce asked them with a smile knowing the would say yes of course not Damian. He replied with a simple 'no'
"Why no it would be fun little d"Dick said a little too enthusiastic.
"I'm down to go" said both Tim and Jason which caused another fight to go on between the two. "That is ENOUGH if you two don't stop fighting you will stay here" " and Damian you will go I know you're hot underneath all that if I'm hot so are you" Bruce said emphasizing enough and making his stern.
He got a 'fine' 'ok' and a whatever from Damian. With that the Batfam went to get change and go in the pool.
::::::::::::time skip:::::::::::: \>~</
When Damian had got there all his family where already in the pool playing having fun and just relax in the pool. With that said that was not Damian at all he just set up a place to site and read. "Hey demon why not come in" Damian heard Jason but wanted leave his book so he ignored him. "Come on baby bat I'll give you the new book the Jon Mikes wrote" (made up my own author) and with that Damian could only say "whatever but it better be hard cover" and with that he took of his shirt and pants and went in the pool.
Bruce Jason and Tim were surprised that Dick actually got Damian in the pool without the need of force. That was not the only throng that surprised them the other was how toned Damian body looked. Rice could not believe that Damian his own son was as toned a he was almost better but still skinny. Not even Dick was like that it took him at lest till he was 18 to get the way he was now. That nothing compared to Damian and he's 15. They where staring at Damian for about 3 minutes and had one thing on there mind  'how did he get so fit and in shape, and also how much dose he work out' "-uys guys guys GUYS" Damian finally yells which Bering them out of shock. They where in a awkward silence so Tim decided to speak first " Hey demon how are you so ....riped and toned it took me and Jason year to try and look like that and we still don't so share you secrets" Damian just looked at all of them to see if they where all asking the same question. They where.
    Damian thought for a while before speaking "I became this like this by training" Damian put it simply " we know that but" Jason stuttered with his words  Damian could only reply" I've been doing it since I was 2 years old" and with that he got out of the water and began to walk way only to stop and look back on last time and say" oh and if would take you guys years before your on my leave even you father" and with that he left and went to his room but you could still her the protest of his brothers and a little chuckle from his father.
Sorry it was short but I'm still new at this but I hope you like it and have and amazing day/night/evening/noon
And stay safe🥰😇☺️😘

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