Chapter 2

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Evangeline's p.o.v

" Hazel! Evangeline! Dinner is ready!"Yen Sid said as he knocked on me and Hazelle's door. "Next to ours was Hayden and Yasmine's room for some reason Yasmine has to move rooms about twice a month." I roomed with Yasmine before I roomed with Hazel, because Sophie saw that Yasmine was bulling me in our room. I walked downstairs to find Sophie and Uma serving what looks to be like seaweed salad. "Great, seaweed salad again." I thought. "Hey Uma you here to visit?" "No, Evey, I'm here to serve food with Sophie." "Really Uma."I asked. "No, Eves, I'm here to visit you." "Eves? When did you come up with this nickname? You know I prefer either Evangeline or Evey." "I just thought it would have been a cool nickname though, Evangeline, if you'd prefer that." "No, I like Eves as a nickname. I might even go by it instead of Evey. I just wanted to know where you came up with Eves as a nickname for me." "Well Gil kept mispronoucing 'Evey', so I let him choose what nickname he liked and I would try it out the next time I came to see you." "Really, Gil, you can even pronouce 'Evey' correctly. Sure 'Evangeline' would be harder to pronouce, but 'Evey' is pretty easy to pronouce properly." I thought. Uma snapped me out of my thoughts when she asked if I knew about Mal and Ben coming to adopt a child. "I may even have to go by Eves now unless I want to go by Angel or Eva. Seeing Mal's best friend is Evie, I wouldn't want to confuse anyone." I simply stated in my mind. Uma asked me who I thought would be leaving the orphanage I sat on my chair and thought while Sophie and Yen Sid went over to get the rest of the orphanage kids for dinner. 

*In Eves's(Evangeline)mind

maybe hayden or the little ones. hayden wanted to get out the most and she would do anything to leave. it won't be me since i am basically yasmine's ticket to do whatever she wants.

*Back to the real world

"Maybe Hayden or the little ones. Haydem wanted to get out the most and she would do anything to leave. it won't be me since i am basically Yasmine's ticket to do whatever she wants. The other others are just the same begging to leave. Most of them had only been here for a year or two, three at max, but still hated it. Only a few stayed here for over three years. They haven't even been here for half of how long I have been here for."I told Uma.  "I have been here for SEVEN YEARS,Uma.  Why can't anyone want to adopt me? Did I do something wrong to someone else to get this life. I have basically spent my whole life here. Staying here for SEVEN YEARS of my life and I am only EIGHT YEARS OLD." I screamed the last part. I left to go back to me and Hazel's room after I finished my dinner. Uma left around a half an hour ago when I was still eating my seaweed salad. I grabbed my set of PJs and went to take a shower. Then I threw my everyday clothes into the wash, so I could have something to wear the next day. Sophie would hang them up in our rooms unless it was adoption day. Adoption day is bascially the day when one of the forgotten orphanage kids get their dream come true. What is our dream come true you ask? "Leaving the orphanage and leaving all of our bad memories of the orphanage. And before you ask why didn't I say good memories as well. Let me tell you this there are no good days in the orphanage, not really. On adoption day we were given a pretty set of pearls and a white dress for girls and  a bowtie and a white suit for boys. Normally we wear what clothes we could find from Auradon's shipments to us." I went to check the only clock in the orphanage which was in the kitchen. It was 8:59 pm.......... oh never mind make that 9:00 pm. I went up to Sophie who was helping the younger girls shower. Sophie knew I didn't know how to blowdry my hair. She asked Yasmine to do it for me. Yasmine did my hair because Sophie was watching her. At the end Yasmine asked me to take her to my room and she would explain her past to me.

*In Eves's bedroom

"I was in mom (Yzma)'s room playing with her makeup. I was six and half at the time. I broke mom's favorite lipstick on accident. I went to tell her that I broke it. That turned out to be a bad idea. She got super mad at me and told me to go to my room for the rest of the day without food."Yasmine started. "Wait, Yasmine, did she give you permission to play with her makeup?"I questioned the older girl. "Yes, and before you ask me a question, I don't know why she got mad at me for playing with her makeup even though she told me I could play with it." I couldn't understand why Yzma got mad at Yasmine for playing with her makeup even though she said that she could play with it. "The time was 9:00 am, so she was starving me for basically the whole day. Luckily I already had breakfast so at least my stomach wasn't going crazy. I walked in to my room, which was only a  thin mattress in it with a pretty flat pillow. Mom yelled up to me "YASMINE, TOMORROW I AM TAKING YOU TO THE ORPHANAGE OF THE LOST. I CAN'T TAKE YOU THERE RIGHT NOW THOUGH." I spent the night wondering what mom meant on the word orphange. The next day mom took me to the orphanage and told Sophie some basic facts about me. I learned something that I didn't even know. My birthday was December 23 2006. I just turned 7 that day. Just some of the things she said not all. The worst part was that she left me here on my birthday." Yasmine told me her backstory. Wow. I never knew that about her. I guess I shouldn't have judge her. Yasmine started singing a song that I have never heard.

Evangeline Cheshire adopted by the king & queen (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now