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"Nami you're going to be l-" A cloth landed on Bellemere's face, before she could finish.

Bellemere grabbed the cloth and threw it away, in spite, "What are you doing?"

"I can't find my leggings!" Nami said in a desperate howl.

"Go downstairs and eat your breakfast."

"Thanks, mom!" Nami ran downstairs, unlikely hyperactive.

"There you go, it was sitting right there."

"Ahh, I'm just nervous, I don't know what to do." Nami exclaimed.

"I slept earlier so I could prepare myself but I look like a complete mess."

"You look great, I'm serious." She added as Nami didn't take her words seriously.

Nami smiled nervously and took one more look in the mirror before leaving for the school bus.

She boarded the bus, the usual thing she went over any other day, a hoard of guys avidly glancing over, and their presuming, lovers striking death glares.

She slowly made her way, looking for an empty seat.

While all guys offered up their seats, Nami decided to stand, for death lingered near her.

Some warm welcome, she thought. She couldn't wait to get off the bus already. But she didn't have a moment to cheer, the moment she entered the school gate, she got a jittery feeling in her stomach. Everybody minded their own business, chatting, and running to classes. Nobody was paying any mind to her, she told herself. But she still felt as if everyone distinctively looked at her.

She tried to brush off the wierd feeling again and finally kept her mind on locating her class.

"Let's see..." She looked up the signs.

"Are you new?"

Nami kept staring at the board, being lost in thought, unbothered by the person's presence.

"Uh- he-"

"Hi, I'm new.....are you here to assist?" Another person interrupted.

"Oh, hi. No, I'm sorry, I'm trying to find my class as well, so I was just-"

"Oh that's okay, I think it's better if we go together. So I'm in 4-B and...."

"I'm in 4-C, they should be next to each other!"

"Yeah!" They climbed up and found their classes.

"There it is."

"Mm I'm usopp by the way."

"Luffy." He smiled and waved, as they entered their classes.

Usopp entered his class and sat at an empty spot in the front. Almost all the front seats were vacant. 

He took a book out and read it in silence.

"Uhmm." A person coughed loudly to get his attention.

He looked up to see, but a teacher came in before he could say anything.

"Goodmorning ma'am~" Everybody stood up.

Let's get to know everybody's name, she said after introducing herself. Almost half of the class were new admissions.

"Eustass." He didn't bother saying anything else. Everybody waited for him to finish but he sat back down.

"Hi everyone, I'm Gavendish."

Ussop's POV

Nobody was too out of the ordinary, I was glad. This one guy caught my eye, well his hair. He had an afro, something I could never pull off. He had a cheerful persona. Something told me, we would just click.

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