Chapter 11: The Zombie Apocalypse

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Time passed as the guild stayed frozen. They had been stopped by some unknown magic that had hidden them from everyone all around the world and now the magic wore off. Members of Fairy Tail Fans -guild were free. Erza Scarlet left the guild to investigate how much the world had changed during their stop of time and soon ran back with news.

"GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE! The event will start in five minutes. ZOMBIE NIGHT! All those who are alive, get your survival gear, stock up your food and fortify your places because zombies are gonna walk the earth!" The members started preparing with few odd exceptions; Levy who prepared nutella and Joel  who prepared 'Mira Shield'. This made Mirajane feel awkward when she summoned her Saber.

"RP Time! The zombies are coming to get us! EVERYONE! Get inside your homes or inside Fairy Tail headquarters!" Erza yelled orders as she was directing people to the guild getting only one person actually obey her; Suvi who went inside with her machete readied up for surprise zombies that could have been inside. Jor refused to go inside yelling he would distract the zombies before anyone would be caught as Levy grabbed her guns out of air. While the three started this, Erza herself reequipped her Heaven's Wheel armor followed by her summoned swords flying to zombies' heads yelling none of them could pass. Suvi was exploring the guild while Levy started shooting the things into the heart before remembering they had to be shot in the head thus changing her target. Joel literally threw guns at zombies while Angelo just stared out of the window stupidly exclaiming:

"Look guys, Dead people!"

"Joel... SHOOT THEM! DON'T THROW YOUR WEAPONS! Oh and the guild's safe." Suvi got mad when she came out and saw Joel's 'attacks'. Levy was also a little bit frustrated while Erza couldn't understand his idea of giving zombies weapons.

"SUVI! HELP ME! THERE'S PLENTY OF WEAPONS IN THE TABLE!" Levy yelled to the girl while she grabbed her own whip to slash the dead bodies.

"Ooh right great thinking." Joel realized from the girl's words changing her attack into even stupider. He grabbed a slingshot and launched the guns at zombies while Suvi went to help Levy.

"You're not helping us annihilate the zombies, Joel!" Mirajane was also frustrated.

"Well not like we can kill the dead. And you're my shield you're not supposed to talk." Joel complained to Mirajane and the two started arguing.

"Joel...  SHOOT THEM WITH BULLETS! Fire the guns, idiot... Someone make sure he stays alive..."

"YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" Suvi and Levy were frustrated with their killings and everyone were surprised when a zombie accidently fired a gun. While the firing zombie was killed by a member of Fairy Tail Fans, Joel started launching bullets at zombies with his slingshot asking whether they could sacrifice Gemini to get to cheesecake on the other side of the room.

Levy and Suvi talked about the bomb Levy had found but neither had time to go handle it thus when Alvin came with his Sniper Rifle to snipe zombies as fast as he could, Levy went and threw the bomb to the zombies after activating it. Meanwhile Joel fell a sleep... and Mirajane fired her destructive beam making the whole guild crumble down which was immediately followed by the explosion of the bomb.

"Now therer went the safe haven... Great job Mira!" Suvi yelled while Alvin congratulated of the bomb's destructive powers. Then he threw a gas can to zombies making another explosion and creating louder sounds. They had forgotten the most important thing which was reminded by Erza:

"NO!!!! Zombies are attracted by sound!" and then she pointed to the direction of massive wave of zombies with Joel sleeping in the between. The zombies kept appearing out of nowhere when suddenly Levy screamed:

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