The end🥺💕

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🗝pov: 'ahhhhhh' I suddenly felt some body hug me out of the corner of my eye I saw red blood noo snap out of it lucy snap out of it 'I miss them him so bad do u now how hard it is to watch ur mother die from an uncurable sick ness then got ab*used by ur father him telling u to kill ur self daily then when ur 13 u finale run away from home just to get kidnap to be saved by ur future bf and his partner to go on many adventures with ur new family to watch ur future self get stabbed in front of u to watching ur older brother and his gf be forced to kill each other the see ur little sister and mother figure fight and die to see the boy and talking cat that calls u lu~nii and mom get killed then see ur own lover get murder by his older brother while everyone else u care about dies just because u didn't listen to him so he kill everyone u care about then send u into a 1,000 year coma when u wake up u except to see ur loving bf and son but no all u see is villains testing on u once u get out of there then u live on the street and spend as much time at the library as possible to figure out what's happening in this time when u finally figure it out u work at a small cafe to live and go to the biggest school in the country to be mentally unstable' I finish my life story only to feel people looking at some confused some of pity and some unreadable. 'hey sho thanks so much for this I'm adopting u as my brother' then.....he smiled o m gosh I got him to smile then we heard a loud alarm. Looking around we saw the lov enter and I do something I never thought I would have to do in this time that has barely any eathernano it it's air I cast 88 starie heavens which of course used up all my magic power when I was done suki and sho caught me in there arms 'big brothers I feel sleepy I wanna go join fairy tail and see lily again can I do that I promise I'll alawy be watching over u' I said w a small smile 'hey look at me lucy hartfillia-dragneel u will live for me and sho got that' suki said here let me sing u something:

I the end sho suki and I were all crying while sing and that's when I took my last breath 'I love I all live for me lily and fairy tail be great hero's and promise to never forget get me now smile' and with that I let my eyes close

Anndddd all done I hope u enjoyed this book I know it doesn't follow the story line but idk I like it sorry it also short and sad-ish

Lot of love 💕 ~ nyx~Chan

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