The First Day

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Most of this chapter is going to be in Rainbow Dash's Pov 

(they're all around 16 years old)


"I gotta hurry or else I'm going to be late for my first day at my new school!" I had just transferred to Canterlot High from Cloudsdale Academy which was my old school. It was an all Skyborne school and everyone bullied me for being the shortest high schooler there. Even though most Skybornes are pretty small at a height of 5'1 or 5'2 I was only a mere 4'11. I asked my parents if I could transfer to Canterlot High, it was a diverse school with both Groundwellers and Magicalites as well as Skybornes. In the last year I managed to save enough money to rent a small apartment so I could live much closer to my new school. 

I quickly put on my new school uniform which consisted of a deep blue plaid skirt that stopped just above my knees, a white collared dress shirt and a yellow ribbon that goes around my neck, and lastly a navy blue blazer with the school's symbol on my right breast which is a yellow horseshoe. I also wore a pair of black spanks for various reasons. Since I was in a rush I didn't have time to button up my blazer. I decided not to wear knee socks today so I just slipped on some white ankle socks and wore my favorite sneakers. I grabbed my shoulder bag and a granola bar before speeding out the door.

I managed to make it in school on time with 3 minutes to spare. I was in aw at the school. It was so much different from Cloudsdale Academy. As I mindlessly wandered around the school I didn't notice that there was someone in front of me and I accidentally bumped into them and fell backwards onto the floor. A deep girl's voice said "Pfft, Oh sorry pipsqueak I didn't see you there" sarcastically. I looked up to see a tall blonde girl grinning evilly at me. "Hey! Couldn't you be at least a little bit nicer?" I wasn't going to get bullied in this school too. Her grin turned into a scowl "And why should I have to do that huh?". I was starting to get pissed of but I calmed myself down. I wasn't going to let this one girl ruin my first day at this school. I just turned my back and walked away from her and when I turned around I could see an evil grin plastered on her face again.

I just realized I didn't know where I was supposed to go for my classes. So I looked around for someone to help me find the Principal's office. I saw a pink haired Skyborne with light yellow skin taking some books out of her locker. I thought she looked nice so I gently tapped her shoulder and she  turned around to face me. "I-Is there anything you need?" she said softly. "Oh yea I'm a transfer student here and I need to find the Principal's office, I was wondering if you could show me?". "Oh yea sure just take a left over there" she said while pointing to the hallway behind me. "Okay, thanks for the help!".

I ran over to the Principal's office and knocked on the door waiting for a response. A women's voice said "Come in" and I walked into the room. "Are you the new transfer student?" asked the Principal. "Yea, my name is Rainbow Dash". "Ah yes, I have your things right here." She stood up and walked over to a file cabinet behind her desk and took out some papers.  "Here you go, this is your locker number and code, and this is your schedule" she said as she handed the papers to me. "I'll guide you to your first class but, I'm afraid I can't help you for the rest of the day so I hope you'll be able to manage". "Yea that's ok, all the classrooms are numbered so I should be fine." I said reassuring her. "Alright this is your homeroom class, I hope you enjoy your time at CHS." she said leading to a classroom door and left, her heels clacking behind her.

Alright Rainbow Dash, you got this. I stepped into the room and stood at the front of the classroom. "Hi I'm Rainbow Dash and I just transferred here from Cloudsdale Academy. It's a pleasure to meet you!" It was silent for a while so I started to worry that I did something wrong. Suddenly, almost all of the girls in the class squealed things like "aww" and calling me adorable and stuff like that. It was because of my height, people had always called me things like that because I looked like a kid. It was annoying but, I just brushed it off and nervously laughed while sitting in the seat that the teacher had just assigned me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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