Chapter 4

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Soviet began to wake up, he rubbed his eyes, yawning. The tall male flipped on the light switch after getting up off of the floor, and looked around for his small crush.

"Britain? Are you awake?"

He got no answer. Of course, he grew worried, but, by listening very closely he found that Britain was in the bathroom. He walked upstairs, pressed his ear against the bathroom door, listening to what Britain was saying. The time was 3:30am. What's he doing up this early? Soviet heard nothing at first, but still continued to listen. After a short while, he was able to hear Britain sobbing and talking to himself.


Soviet was in shock, he didn't expect any of that to come out of the brit's mouth. This was all because of France. It's all his fault! Britain went quiet, which worried soviet. Soviet knocked on the door.

"Britain! Britain let me in!"

No answer. He repeated himself again and again. Still, no answer. He sighed, bashed himself against the door until it broke. Britain was stood in the bathroom, tears running down his cheeks with his knife pointed to his chest. The tall male grabbed the knife, put it in his pocket, and just stared at Britain. The other looked down. He didn't say a word. As for the taller one, he completely understood how much pain Britain was in and tried to help. He was also mildly upset at how Britain had tried to kill himself. He didn't even leave a note, which was unexpected. Soviet pulled Britain close as the other started to sob once again.

"W-Why do you care about me..?"

"Because I love you."



"...I-I love you too.."

They both just stood there, hugging.

(I'm really tired rn didudushsjsisi)

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