Act 01.

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You never saw this day coming.

You were so sure you'd have your happily ever after.

Although some part of you knew it was never going to be with Tōru.

But it's what came after that pulled you down the rabbit hole of constant pain.

And finally, after a year, it felt as if it were finally over.

School has barely begun as students waited around the front chatting about. You sat at a nearby bench with your friends. Your eyes were glued to the floor with your mind elsewhere as usual. Although you could still faintly hear the conversations your friends shared.

"He didn't accept my invite." Shiba sulked twirling a pen between her fingers.

"Maybe he just wasn't on." Alyssa smiled optimistically.

"Mm- it said he was." Shiba wilted her head backward in defeat.

"I'm not sure why you put up with his crap. If I were you I'd drop him." Alyssa sighed.

Shiba stared dumbfounded.

"I'ts—not that simple." Shiba grumbled.

Alyssa held the rim of a monster can to her lips looking down on her obviously blinded by love friend.

"I'm afraid I don't follow." Alyssa grimaced.

"Well you see- he's a cat boy-" Shiba raked through her short ivory dyed hair.

"Oh for fuck sakes Shiba!" Alyssa scowled swatting at Shiba who reluctantly hid behind you.

"What don't boo me! That's a very reasonable answer!" Shiba frowned dodging every one of Alyssa's agile hits.

"A fucking Cat boy?" Alyssa stared at her friend with her eyebrows quirked.

"Skirts and everything~" Shiba cooed.

"You're such a simp." Alyssa huffed.

"Only for the fems." Shiba winked swatting the monster can from out of Alyssa's grip.

"Preach." Alyssa agreed.

You felt a cold blow to your shoulder as you jerked forward in pain.

"Hey ugly you okay? You're blanking out again." Alyssa frowned genuinely worried for you.

"I'm fine." You mustered up.

You weren't necessarily lying. You were telling the truth. Fine. Neither happy or sad.

"You thinking about that twink again?" Alyssa quirked a brow.

You threw a fist at her shoulder playfully.

"The twink has a name, asshole." You chuckle aloud.

"Quite frankly- I don't see a point in remembering his name." Alyssa shrugged.

"Word." Shiba nodded.

"And no I wasn't thinking about him." Your lips tugged into a genuine smile.

You stared at the brunette boy from a distance. He spun a volleyball on the tip of his fingertip repeatedly with a smug look on him. He stood with Iwa-San whom didn't seem all that impressed.

A group of girls huddled around him. They all seemed to practically fall at his feet.

You admired him from afar. But this time, the admiration had felt differently. Like a sigh of relief.

You stared at him and without a flutter in your stomach, an immense beating of the heart, or even a tad bit of flushed cheeks. You were able to finally take a good look at him without feeling a thing.

Your lips curled into a sly smile.

One he accidentally took note of.

He promised he wouldn't stare at you again but he couldn't help it. After all he felt your eyes on him.

"Still not over me huh?" He cockily spoke.

"[y/n]-Chan?" Iwaizumi quirked a brow.

Oikawa only nodded.

Iwaizumi didn't agree with how things ended. In fact he was kind of stuck in the middle since he found himself bumping into you from time to time and actually enjoying your presence.

You didn't hold a grudge and neither had he.

"Get over yourself Shittykawa." Iwaizumi snarled swatting the back of Oikawa's head who whimpered dramatically in pain.

"Iwa- that hurts." Oikawa pouted.

"S-shut up." Iwaizumi grumbled.

"I guess I hurt her that bad huh." Oikawa chuckled.

"Don't take pride in it asshat." Iwaizumi hissed.

And although it may not have seemed like it, he didn't. He hated seeing you that way. It was just everything that left his mouth seemed pretentious and condescending. It couldn't be helped.

Oh how badly he had read the situation.

And although some part of you did still miss him, the majority hadn't.

You we're finally free of him.

For now.

Sweet Redemption- Tōru Oikawa x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now